
Capybara Research Paper

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The world’s largest rodent seems like an animal not many people are apt to interact with, yet multiple people keep these creatures as house hold pets. (or these creatures are pets in multiple households) The Capybara –also known as the “carpincho” or “water hog”– is a semiaquatic mammal found in Central and South America. Belonging to the Hydrochoeridae family, the Capybara resembles guinea pigs and maras from the Caviidae family. With short legs, blunt snouts, and slightly webbed toes, the Capybara stands at around 1.6 feet tall and weighs in between 77-146 pounds in adulthood. As a pup, Capybaras are exact replicas of adults except in two ways: their increasing body size and constantly growing incisors. In fact, the Capybara’s incisors

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