
Captain John Smith Dbq

Decent Essays

In the colonial era, many explorers went to the new world. These explorers were in search for land and money. But unfortunately the native americans were already there. Many of these tribes disliked the explorers while others welcomed them to their village. Two of these many explorers was Captain John Smith and William Bradford. Each of these men travelled to the new world and had different responses from the natives. As people learned about this new world they wanted to come so that they could find gold and become rich. As stated in page CR6, “The Spaniard never more greedily desired gold.” The people that came with Captain Smith went with the intention of acquiring gold and becoming wealthy. Captain John Smith and his crew came to this …show more content…

On page 5 it says, “He joined the Puritans, reformers who wanted to purify the Church of England and eventually separate from it. With other Puritans, he migrated to Holland in search of religious freedom. He helped organize the journey on the Mayflower in 1620 that brought about 100 people—half of them his fellow "Pilgrims"—to the New World.” These people came to this land to be purify the Church of England and preach it how they believed it was correct. For Mr. Bradford and the puritans, there they each helped each other so that together they would be successful together. As stated on page 6, “the carpenter and master affirmed that with a post put under it, set firm in the lower deck and otherways bound, he would make it sufficient.” This shows that they each put in the skills they had to help the others and so that together they could benefit from them. In comparison, these two groups came to this land for different reasons. To begin with the only thing Captain John Smith and his men were looking for was gold so that they could be financially prosperous in this new land. While Captain Smith was looking for riches Mr. Bradford searched for something completely different. Him and his fellow Puritans came in search of religious

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