
Captain Cook Research Paper

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I have always known that most voyages in history involved large quantities of alcohol, however the amount of booze brought on the Endeavour seems to be overwhelming and motivating to the seamen. I have often wondered how any captain and officers of a voyage of great importance kept order and focus during their journey. Cook does a good job of establishing a baseline with his crew. He voiced his standards and expectations very clear in the beginning of the Endeavour’s voyage. He started by reading the Articles of war to the crew, in addition to listing disciplinary offenses like excessive drunkenness and sodomy. For example, “Cook had twice lashed seamen for attempting this offense.” (p. 20) If any of the crew were resistant in sharing his standards they often received lashing or loss of their rations of alcohol. …show more content…

In the text, it mentions how Cook was very adamant about shifting his crew’s habits on their hygiene and health. Since many sailors during that time often suffered from diarrhea, Cook would punish any marines for defecating between the decks. Cook “encouraged them to take cold seawater baths and enforced regular cleaning of hammocks, bedding, and clothes.” (p. 24) I thought it was impressive that cook promoted the cleaning the floors with vinegar. Cook did his best to prevent his crew from getting scurvy and was very successful at it. Each time his crew stopped at port, they would eat herbs, plant roots and fruit. Ultimately this was the main reason why Cook was so successful in preventing his men from getting

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