The whole experience of working on my Capstone Project Proposal has been a challenge, but great learning opportunity. There are so many aspects and factors that play major roles in research that I had no idea existed. Through this entire project I have been able to understand the hard work put into nursing research and the importance of nursing research. According to Thorne (2016), “we need to repeatedly remind ourselves that the purpose of nursing research is not simply to do it, but rather to use it in the service of our mission on behalf of society” (p. 763). The complex problems of health, as well as, the health care system, are continually evolving in the world (). According to Throne (2016), it is up to our generation to utilize tools and methods to study and expand knowledge so that …show more content…
I remember reading the 12 steps of the research process and not understanding the application aspect. The 12 steps of the research process are the following: identification of a problem, reading the related literature, research questions or hypothesis, theoretical framework or conceptual framework, research design, sample, data collection, who, what, where, when and how questions, feasibility issues, analyzing data, determining finds, and dissemination of findings (Keele, 2011). Identifying the problem was not hard, since it was something that interested me. My Capstone Proposal Project will be about sleep disturbances associated with cardiac surgery patients. My proposed strategy consists of the idea that by increasing nursing education and intervention there will be a reduction in sleep disturbances for the cardiac surgery population. I have found the small details to be more challenging than preparing the main factors of the Capstone Project Proposal. For example, I thought the detailed Gantt chart was difficult because of the time management
In this 21st century, health care is advancing remarkably and achieving various results through research. Research is vital to bring about new inventions, techniques and improvements and create a new body of knowledge. In nursing, research helps to bring about improvements in current practice, knowledge, patient outcomes as well as to create new polices and upgrade the existing ones. For example, a “re-challenge protocol” was created by the researchers to reduce the drug reactions caused by two chemotherapeutic agents. Likewise, numerous research is conducted to improve scientific knowledge in various fields of science. One such knowledge in the field of science is the nursing knowledge.
Nurses play and important role in the health care system. Nurses have excellent inherent to manage change to improve the health care system (The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. n.d.). They can be as innovators to lead changes. Nurses understand how to approach care and enhance quality at the lower cost (Nursing 's role in health care reform - American Nurse Today. n.d.). They can engage in research to Generate evidence-based practice and help shape the quality and safety through collecting and tracking data to enhance care. Nursing research benefits create the logical framework for clinical usage, prevention, and improved patient outcomes. Nurses can Redesign nursing education (Nursing 's role in health care reform - American Nurse Today. n.d.). All nurses should to maintain necessary competencies to match the requirements of the population aging and various culture and community health care needs, (Nursing 's role in health care reform - American Nurse Today. n.d.).
Nursing improves when Evidence Based Research findings can be utilized and implemented by nurses in their daily practice. J. Dracup (2006) stated what some nurses had identified as barriers to Evidence Based Research, namely: “accessibility of research findings, anticipated outcomes of using research, organizational support to use research, and support from others to use research.” Dracup believed that “evidence-based practice must include an assessment of the available resources” since the cost of implementation is yet another barrier and “will not be adopted if resources are insufficient to incorporate them into the daily routine” nursing care. G. Mitchell (1999) raised “ the lack of sufficient meaningful research” as an additional barrier.
Another important barrier is nursing education. Nurses who graduated many years ago were not taught evidence-based practice and even current schools focus too much researching rather than how to implement current research into care (AJN, 2012). This lack of knowledge on how to implement may stem from the lack of knowledge on how to read and interpret research data or that nurses might feel overwhelmed due to the fact that there is so much and might not know how to narrow what is important or how to read all of it (Brown et al., 2009). In the Tacia study (2015), advanced care nurses could easily point out
"In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) began a two-year study initiative to respond, the need to assess and transform the nursing profession."("The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health," 2010).An interdisciplinary committee was put together to report the nations issues impacting health care. Recommendations were set forth by the IOM in a way to improve and restructure the nursing profession to fit the future of the medical field. ("The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health," 2010) The recommendation from the committee starts with an action-oriented blueprint for the future of nursing also to identify matters of medical care, research, education. (AJN, American Journal of Nursing: 2010). The Affordable Healthcare ACT (ACA) of 2010 introduced new changes to United States healthcare system. These changes were the improvement of research and evidence-based practice, health awareness, prevention screenings, and community-based wellness promotion and applied. (Affordable Care Act, 2010) Before the IOM’s action-oriented blueprint nurses came up against barriers that prevented them from being able to the start to make those transformations. Today nurses have the potential to overcome obstacles by leading innovative strategies to transform nursing education, practice, and leadership. ("The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health," 2010)
According to Gale and Schaffer (2009) explains that nursing comprises autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, well or sick and in all settings. Nurses promote health, prevent illnesses and care for the sick and disabled people. Other roles of nurses include promotion of a safe environment, participation in shaping health policies, research and system management (Gale & Schaffer, 2009). Research is important in nursing because it validates and refines exiting knowledge and generates new knowledge. According to Newhouse (2007) nursing research helps build an evidence-based practice for nursing. EBP in turn contributes evidence to the effective care of patients. Studies have supported the conclusion that patient outcomes are substantially improved when health care is based on evidence from well-defined studies versus tradition or clinical expertise and opinions alone. The ultimate goal of nursing is therefore an evidence-based practice that promotes quality, cost effective outcomes for patients, families, healthcare providers and the healthcare system (Closson, 2005; Salbach, Jaglal, Korner-Bitensky, Rappolt & Davis, 2007). EBP evolves from the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient needs and values (Aarons, Wells, Zagursky, Fettes & Palinkas,
Nursing research can be defined as the knowledge that is developed and built on the foundation of scientific inquiries of clinical practices (Grove and Burns, 2013). As part of the United States National Institute of Health (NIH), the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) was established to promote wellness and to prevent diseases, to improve the overall quality of life across populations, to eliminate disparities, and finally to set the directions for end-of-life, palliative research. This essay will explore the history of the NINR in terms of its location, dates of operation, overall purpose, mission, and Strategic Goals. The essay will then outline the NINR 's current initiatives, describe the organization 's priorities in terms of funding. Training opportunities available through the organization will also be described. Finally, the experience attained by group members through doing the assignment will be explored and summarized.
Why should nurses incorporate research? Nurses should incorporate research in their scope of practice to deliver the highest and safest quality health care. This is based on proven scientific evaluation, peer review, combined with one’s clinical experience, critical thinking, and competency. (Stevens, 2013), “research produces the most reliable knowledge about the likelihood that a given strategy will change a patient's current health status into desired outcomes”. With these analyses, I believe that nurses can achieve great outcomes and patient satisfaction. However in our class lecture, Chamberlain College of Nursing (CCN, 2015), states that “research yields evidence upon which nurses may base their practice, i.e., evidence-based practice”. In a nut-shell, nurses’ combine research to improve their scope of practice, innovate nursing concept, and enlarge nursing knowledge (Hood, 2014, p. 243).
The first goal that I had in preparation for this research course was to learn as much as I possibly could! I feel that I have reached this goal and then some! I definitely have a greater understanding of the different types of research studies that are done quantitative versus qualitative, what the Institutional Review Board (IRB) stands for. That only names a few of the important topics on research that I have learned while learning in this course. All of which have helped help me gain a better understanding of the process to conduct nursing research. One of the important pieces that I learned was gaining a better understanding of the process that is established to ensure the right documents are submitted and followed through. These are all important pieces that are set up to guarantee the information that is collected from the patients stays confidential (different than HIPPA). Additionally, I wanted to learn the whys behind why we do research. I feel after the weekly discussions as well as the different articles that we had to research I met this goal as well, but definitely will continue to investigate and continue to ask questions and ensure that we are using evidence based practice concepts to support our research practices. Nursing research “encourages all levels of nursing personnel to find answers to clinical questions and incorporate the findings into clinical practice (p43 article) My third and final goal was to
The health care industry is ever changing, requiring the practice of nursing to be continually transformed. Since nurses are in direct, constant contact with patients, we are in a position to facilitate change and it is our duty to be proactive in the processes that have a positive effect in our field. Likewise, it is imperative that nurses be actively involved in education in order to stay abreast of new evidenced based processes that will result in increased positive outcomes while elevating patient care. This paper will discuss initiatives set for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee (RWJF) on the Future of Nursing and the
I feel as though I have met the outcomes for this course. I would have never even thought of participating in a research project before this course and now I find I have a new found respect and understanding for research. Nursing practice should be based on knowledge or evidence established by means of research (Groves, Burns, & Gray, 2013). Research assists in evaluating current practice and developing ideas on how to improve and test theories and implement them into practice if proven to be beneficial. Patients or participants safety is critical during a research project and they need to be protected from vulnerable subjects along with coercion and manipulation. Participants must be made fully aware of what the study is for and how they
Nursing research has been a part of nursing practice for many years, consisting of both qualitative and quantitative research; it is essential in guiding nursing practice. Many nurses have a baseline understanding of research in general, but it is important for the researcher to understand their own values and beliefs when determining the type of research they will be performing. By understanding the differences between epistemology, methodology, and methods, the researcher can confidently conduct a valid research project.
Owing to the significant evolving role of nurses across the globe, there is, therefore, an urgent need for nursing research to be a vital part of the profession. According to Martha S. Tingen (et al) (2009), Nursing research has a tremendous influence on current and future professional practice thus rendering it an essential component of the educational
In this assignment I will be writing about the importance of research in nursing considering history of nursing and the difference between how research is performed nowadays. I will also be defining different types of research such as quantitative and qualitative research and giving an example of a nursing based research study that was carried out and how it is important to nursing presently.
Furthering nursing research is essential, as it forms the basis for evidence-based practice in healthcare today. With this in mind, developing the skills to critically appraise research articles is of the utmost importance in order to determine the relevance of research findings for clinical practice. As I pursue a doctorate degree in nursing practice, I am reminded of the necessity of these skills. Thus, in the following paragraphs, I will reflect on the research goals I developed at the beginning of the Critique and Design of Nursing Research course, and will discuss my views on the role of the graduate nurse in regard to