
Capital Punishment : The United States

Decent Essays

As we near the culmination of the twentieth century, capital punishment is in decline. Once a near universal practice, the death penalty has been abolished in 101 countries, as of July 2015(Amnesty International, 2015) and executions have become less common amongst industrialised democracies. Some nations keep capital statutes for instances of exceptional crimes such as treason, but parts of the former Soviet Union, Japan and the United States of America (USA) still administer death sentences for ‘ordinary’ crimes of violence.
One clear anomaly to this international trend of decline is the United States (U.S.) as capital punishment flourishes there. Due to this unique fluctuation in pattern, The United States of America has been chosen as the country of focus for this dissertation.
Following a period of nine years (1967-1976) in which capital punishment lay dormant, thirty-eight of fifty American states and the federal government passed revised capital sentencing statutes that satisfied the more rigorous constitutional requirements that the Supreme Court issued between 1976 and 1983. Since 1983 the Court relinquished several procedural restrictions on the states and due to this the rate of electrocutions, gassings and lethal injections have steadily grown. Simultaneously, there have been conflicting societal views on the use of the death penalty and in response some scholars have claimed that, “citizens invariably signify their agreement with all the controversial

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