
Capital Punishment : The Death Penalty

Decent Essays

Capital punishment which furthermore identifies as the death penalty, execution has been a hot topic in the public eye for a while. The question on lots of minds is whether it is acceptable for the state to terminate one’s life for the crime they have committed. A significant issue that we will address is that the justice system over time formulates mistakes. Whether it’s processing the evidence improperly or missing an enormous piece of the puzzle, making mistakes can happen. If the justice system executed an innocent there is no way for it to redeem itself. There is no way for a person to be brought back to life. As I began to research further into this issue, I became aware that plenty of people agree with the idea of capital punishment being endorsed; however, I believe asking this question will be the key to finally finding closure to this issue.
Why is it essential to find closure? Why does our justice system to seek capital punishment? When does the system realize if one should receive the death penalty? How will they be sure that all the evidence is there? Is capital punishment ethical? Are there different types of executions methods? Does this punishment violate the U.S Constitution? Executing an innocent; what happens then? Addressing these questions will guide the public to thoroughly understand this punishment.
Similar to what I briefly mentioned earlier, mistakes often happen in our justice system. With that being assumed, when executing a person for the crimes

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