
Capital Punishment

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Capital Punishment and the Death Penalty Capital punishment exist in today’s society as citizens of the United States should we have the right to take an individual life. As illustrated throughout numerous of studies the death penalty is an unfair process seven out of ten deaths handed down by the state courts from 1973 to 1995 were overturned when appeal and the seven percent were later found to be innocent. Such as the Dobie Williams case which took place July 8, 1984. Dobie Williams an African American male with an IQ of 65(mentally retarded) who was convicted of killing a white lady by the name of Sonja Knippers. Sonja Knippers was stabbed several times while using the restroom in her Louisiana home. Her husband …show more content…

According to the Death Penalty Center, in 1973 38 Black people were sentence for death row. Other races were charge with the same crime but Black people were issued death row. Our courts system demonstrates factors that are played in history and today’s society. Black life is not valued in the United States. The Stanford Law Review published a study that found similar patterns of racial disparity, based on the race of the victim, in Arkansas, Florida,Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Virginia (see
For example, in Arkansas findings showed that defendants in a case involving a white victim are three-and-a-half times more likely to be sentenced to death; in Illinois, four times; in North Carolina, 4.4 times, and in Mississippi five times more likely to be sentenced to death than defendants convicted of murdering blacks.
The Florida Law Review published a study that examined all homicides committed and death sentences rendered in Florida between 1976 and 1987.The study found that, in that state, the odds of receiving a death sentence are 3.4 times higher for defendants convicted of killing whites than for those convicted of killing blacks. Additional facts linking race with the death penalty: since the resumption of executions in the early 1980 's, 40 percent of the people executed have been black.
In the Oomulgee Judicial Circuit, which encompasses eight counties in Georgia, the district attorney sought the death penalty in 28

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