
Capital Punishment Is It Necessary

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Capital Punishment Is It Necessary
National American University

Capital punishment is a dicey topic which irritates nerves when brought up for discussion. Several school of thought have shared their views regarding this topic. According to the Pew Research center a survey conducted March 25-29, 2015 56% of American people agree that it’s a punishment befitting a crime, whiles 38% are against it. What is capital punishment?
We can all share a view about what capital punishment is but we can’t rely on that as the ultimate definition since there are diverse sentiments in relation to it.
Quoting from the Merriam Webster dictionary, it defines punishment as suffering, pain or loss that serves as a retribution, or …show more content…

Criminals suffering from mental illness or having clouded judgment.

Pros of capital Punishment/ death penalty
Capital punishment or the death penalty no matter how you look at it instills a sense of fear among everyone. “On the eve of burying one of their own, the city police officer’s union asked Mayor Kurt L Schmoke to “instill fear in criminals” by putting more officers on the street and pushing for use of the death penalty”. (The Baltimore sun 1992). According to Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, humans learn from one another through observation. (Sigelman and Rider, 2015, p 44). The thought of death instills a sense of fear in everyone let alone knowing that the rules of the country calls for the death penalty when one commit acts such as murder and treason.
It’s better to die than languish in prison. Criminals are kept in prison with other criminals while they go through the whole process of the court trying determine if they are guilty or innocent. They slowly start losing their mind because there is nothing for them to do and this drives them crazy. Imagine how you felt when you were grounded as child by your parent you couldn’t go out to see your friends or play with your toys. “Death row inmates spend 22 hours in their cells, have no congregate activity and are always by themselves” (OLR Research Report April 2011). They only come out for 1 hour in a day to walk around in a court yard with guards. Instead of going

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