Capital Punishment Is It Necessary
National American University
Capital punishment is a dicey topic which irritates nerves when brought up for discussion. Several school of thought have shared their views regarding this topic. According to the Pew Research center a survey conducted March 25-29, 2015 56% of American people agree that it’s a punishment befitting a crime, whiles 38% are against it. What is capital punishment?
We can all share a view about what capital punishment is but we can’t rely on that as the ultimate definition since there are diverse sentiments in relation to it.
Quoting from the Merriam Webster dictionary, it defines punishment as suffering, pain or loss that serves as a retribution, or
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Criminals suffering from mental illness or having clouded judgment.
Pros of capital Punishment/ death penalty
Capital punishment or the death penalty no matter how you look at it instills a sense of fear among everyone. “On the eve of burying one of their own, the city police officer’s union asked Mayor Kurt L Schmoke to “instill fear in criminals” by putting more officers on the street and pushing for use of the death penalty”. (The Baltimore sun 1992). According to Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, humans learn from one another through observation. (Sigelman and Rider, 2015, p 44). The thought of death instills a sense of fear in everyone let alone knowing that the rules of the country calls for the death penalty when one commit acts such as murder and treason.
It’s better to die than languish in prison. Criminals are kept in prison with other criminals while they go through the whole process of the court trying determine if they are guilty or innocent. They slowly start losing their mind because there is nothing for them to do and this drives them crazy. Imagine how you felt when you were grounded as child by your parent you couldn’t go out to see your friends or play with your toys. “Death row inmates spend 22 hours in their cells, have no congregate activity and are always by themselves” (OLR Research Report April 2011). They only come out for 1 hour in a day to walk around in a court yard with guards. Instead of going
In the public eye today, the expression "Capital punishment" mixes up a great deal of discussion and feelings. At whatever point the word comes up, in-your-face extremist from both sides hollers out contentions to bolster their position. One side says "eye for an eye", the other side says there 's a capability of executing a pure man; one says equity, reprisal, and discipline; the other side says execution is homicide. Wrongdoing is a clear a portion of society, and everybody knows that something must be done about it. A great many people know the danger of
Capital punishment has been a hot topic for quite some time now. In earlier times it was merely a way to punish as well as an attempt to deter members of society from committing heinous crimes. In the last century we have actively monitored the effects of capital punishment, and this has revealed the truth. It is for these reasons capital punishment is not morally acceptable.
The topic of death penalty is highly controversial and debated on in American society. The death penalty has put many convicted murderers and criminals on the government. Using death sentence as a punishment for extreme crimes portrays America in a negative way. Although the death penalty brings justice to violent criminals, I argue that the death penalty is immoral and financially crippling the United States.
The death penalty, or capital punishment, refers to a death to a person by a state for their crimes; where the executive branch made an attempt to address the considered but was unsuccessful, where the Legislative branch talks about and try to modify the death penalty, where the supreme court is handling the cases in trail.
Punishment is a form of reprimand that is meant to suppress or decrease a behavior by adding a consequence or removing the stimulus.
Supreme Court Justices are known for interpreting the Constitution. They are seen as leaders who know what is constitutional and what is not constitutional. Their interpretation of the Constitution is known as law throughout America, and not many people choose to oppose their decisions. Their word becomes the law, and their law reigns. When the justices are told to make a Constitutional decision they have one of two processes. They can either make a decisions from judicial restraint or judicial activism. While both methods are effective, judicial activism allows for a more fair decision.
The use of the death penalty has brought peace of mind to our citizens. Though through the mid nineteen sixties until the early nineteen eighties only about six death penalties actually took effect. When the number of executions dropped, the murder rate rose from 5.6 per 100,000 people to 10.2 which is almost double the murder rate. A society cannot live in fear but needs to live in reassurance and protection. As of nineteen ninety-nine, the murder rate dropped dramatically to 5.7 because the execution rate increased to 47 executions. Pearce, Matt. "Counterpoint: Defending The Death Penalty." Points Of View: Death Penalty (2014): 6. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 23 Sept. 2014. This demonstrates the deterrent effect capital punishment has on society. The result is deterrence shows if one kills then one will be punished for their actions and crime.
Capital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been effective tool in our country’s justice system since its inception. When an inmate is given this, the harshest sentence available, it is always with just cause. Capital Punishment is an important tool in our criminal justice system today and there are several reasons it should remain in effect.
For years, politicians have been passionately debating the subject of the capital punishment, which has only served to create more divisions within our society. It is an extremely sensitive subject, and one that inspires strong emotions in both directions. Like abortion, gun laws, and the war on terrorism, capital punishment is an issue on which everyone is never likely to agree.
Since the mid 1900’s, capital punishment has brought many individuals into many diverse view points throughout the years. Capital punishment is a way of punishing a convict by killing him or her because of the crime he or she committed. Capital punishment will always have its pros and cons. There are opponents who absolutely disagree with capital punishment. And then there are advocates who support the idea. In the advocates view point, capital punishment is a way to minimize the threat in the world today. In the opponent’s point of view, opponents disagree with capital punishment, because of the high expenses it brings to the states. Also, opponents argue that capital punishment
Capital punishment has been around for many years as a way of executing criminals. Despite what most believe, capital punishment is not functional in the American society. Defenders of the death penalty often claim that the execution of criminals will teach others not to do bad, initially decreasing crime rates. Unfortunately, statistics prove that thought to be wrong. Capital punishment also has great flaws. For example, many innocent people have been put to death because of capital punishment. There also is no consistency. Two of the same crimes can be convicted in two different states and the consequences with be different for both offenders. The death penalty shows to be
Before vaccines were discovered, millions life were taken due to various childhood diseases, including mumps, rubella, polio and measles. Therefore the discovery of vaccine was such a breakthrough in the medical field at the time. Not only did it help to cure simple diseases, such as cold, it also helps to eliminate some fetal infectious diseases, such as rubella and polio. However, for some mothers, they choose not to vaccinate their child simply because of the erroneous information and fear that were spread among mothers.
Groups that support the death penalty often say that it deters criminals from committing future crimes like murders or other heinous crimes. On the contrary, many criminals do not think of the consequences of their actions when they are committing a crime, nor do they care what happens
Capital punishment is used predominantly for, but not exclusively to, the crime of murder. This employs the “eye for an eye” sort of belief system that has been in use for hundreds of years. This type of thinking is backed by a principle that was a key point in Machiavelli’s “The Qualities of a Prince.” Machiavelli contends that “it is much safer to be feared than loved.” This is a mindset that is shared with those who support the death penalty. This is because if one knows that they will die if they perform a certain act, they will generally be unwilling to perform that act. People who use even the slightest bit of logic and reasoning could reach the conclusion that it is better to use the threat of death to keep potential murderers from killing innocent victims than to abolish capital punishment and sacrifice innocent lives.
Frank Newport of Gallup News Service did a study on the public’s opinion of the death penalty and 69 percent replied with “yes” when asked if they were in favor the death penalty (Newport, 2007). His report also states that every year since 2001 when he polled the question “Is the death penalty morally acceptable?” the majority of the public has responded with “yes” (Newport, 2007). According to Newport’s study, most men (76%), women (62%), republicans (81%), democrats (60%), whites (73%) and non-whites (55%) are “in favor of the death penalty for a person convicted of murder” (Newport, 2007). This study supports the fact that the majority of society agrees that the death penalty is a just and fair way to punish convicted murderers.