
Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty

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Capital punishment is an occurrence that often provokes public outcry and public opinions in regards to moral and ethical issues. Each country has their own set of regulations in the way they carry out the death penalty to offenders who receive the death sentence for offences eligible for capital punishment (Eversley & Copeland, 2011). Throughout the history of execution, however, there have been changes in the way death sentences are distributed and carried out. Human rights activists have come forward to argue that despite the crimes committed, all people need to enjoy their fundamental right of life and no one has the power to take it away from them (Banner & Banner, 2009). In the past, there have been (alleged) offenders, convicted and executed due to death sentencing; many of those offenders maintained their innocence up until the time of their execution. Public opinion seems to be the number one factor influencing death penalty executions against offenders. Many cases, in the far and recent past, have attracted global attention to the justification of why the death penalty is an ineffective way of dealing with offenders (Mooney & Lee, (2000). The period between the passing of judgment, for an offender to receive capital punishment, and the actual execution of an offender is usually a prolonged amount of time, which goes against the first principle of the deterrence theory, swiftness of punishments.
Cases of death penalty for people convicted of murder

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