
Capital Jury Project (CJP)

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A consortium of scholars conducted the Capital Jury Project (CJP), a large scale multistate research initiative in the 1980s, to find out what causes a jury to sentence death to some defendants but not to others. Devine and Kelly (2015) used the full data set of CJP which consisted of 1198 jurors from 335 capital trials held in 14 states. Certain conditions were set and observed for data collection and inclusion or exclusion of some particular factors. Focal variables for this study were jury sentence, legally relevant case characteristics, trial characteristics, deliberation characteristics, first-vote preference distributions, and participants’ demographic characteristics. Devine and Kelly (2015) omitted some of the cases from their study. …show more content…

This study was also unique as the non-CJP studies conducted by social scientists were based on laboratory method and the role of jurors and defendants was played by participants. So a real time situation could not be assessed unless the actual jurors are interviewed and assessed. Hence, the CJP provided useful data for analyses with different perspectives. In addition to it, a large CJP data was collected over cases of number of years and different regions so it served well for the analyses. Although the data was large and it was collected from 14 states, yet, this data does not qualify to be implemented throughout the states. The demographic variables, compositions of jury, nature of cases, and other such factors do not make this data a necessary fit at all levels. There is no doubt that nearly 700 variables were considered for this data set and the possibility of human error to process such a large data can never be ruled out. Devine and Kelly (2015) studied selected variables so this selection could have affected the results as few closely related variables might have been ignored in the

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