
Canadian Human Rights Law

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Substantive equality prescribes equal treatment to all people regardless of the circumstance and situation. It involves achieving equitable outcomes as well as equal rights to everyone and eliminates inequality. Canadian human rights law does not advance the rich, purposive understanding that Justice L’Heureux-Dube advocates. The idea of Human rights ought to be universal and apply to everyone because it is a cultural system. From an international stand point there is a limited amount of enforcement mechanism, international human rights is trying to establish norms where people will voluntarily work towards, this is closer to norms that don’t have a very strong mechanism. Often times in human rights, human dignity is brought up. When looking at Canadian Human Rights law, there are two main things to think about. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Provincial and federal human rights acts or codes. Both of these are enforceable by …show more content…

Freedom of religion was understood as a form of liberty and it excluded the state from restricting individual engagement in religious practices without giving a legitimate reason. Moreover, later judgments have shifted in the description of the liberty to equality. According to the courts, the freedom does not prohibit the state coercion in matter of religious conscious, it requires that the state must treat religious belief systems or religious communities in an equal manner. The state must not support or prefer the religious practice of one group over another, and it must not restrict the religious practice of a group, unless it is necessary. The state may support or facilitate private religious activities when it does not involve the preference for a certain religious belief

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