
Canada Should Pursue Their Interests In The Arctic

Decent Essays

Canada should pursue their interests in the Arctic to the fullest extent possible so as to satisfy their national interests, and retain the land that they already believe to be theirs. They are acting on their interests by exercising the power they have with acts such as building ports, and moving in military, their main goal to secure the land, as well as the ocean around it so as to ensure economic prosperity. Canada is asserting their control and ownership, trying to divert the other stakeholders involved in the imperialistic struggle for the Arctic. Though so far there has been no need for the situation to become physical, by moving military into the region, Canada has displayed their willingness to fight for the land. This has caused other states to realize that the land settlement may come to a physical altercation, and that there may be a need for military action in the future. One country that has already acted on the perceived threat is Russia, who has been trying to gain the land using physical force such as putting military in the island areas. Though so far they have only been trying to take resources from the land, they have recognized that …show more content…

They live on the land in question, and are considered to be a nation within a nation, which would mean that if the land was taken over by a country other than Canada they would not identify with the new beliefs being brought in, as Canada has let them freely practice their culture, integrating it into the Canadian identity. Another issue for the Inuit is modernization of the land, which is what Russia is trying to do by drilling for the oil resources. This goes against what the Inuit stand for, which is preserving the land and resources that lie within. If Canada pursues their interest in the Arctic, then the indigenous people will be able to stay where they are, preserve their culture, and care for their

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