
Can You Drink The Cup Summary

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What truly is community? In the book, "Can You Drink the Cup" by Henri J.M. Nouwen, he shows the readers exactly what his opinion on community is. Nouwen explains in detail that community should be a safe place, bring joy, and form a mosaic. In chapter four of his book, Nouwen mentions that an intimate community should not be made up of just anybody; instead it should be formed out of friends whom one can trust. He further explains that everyone needs this community because every body needs people whom they can over come their shame and share their lives with. Anytime one person in a community can get past the sense of shame and guilt, this simply encourages others to share their lives which forms an even closer community. Once one can find a community in which they feel safe, they will find joy as well. …show more content…

Many people need a community in order to bring that joy out. Nouwen explains that through fellowship, one can turn their sorrows into joy because when someone has that community to live their sorrows with them it makes life much easier. He then explains this in more detail by saying that "the joy of belonging, of being part of, of not being different" (page 49) is an amazing joy. Once a person can find their safe place and joy through their community, this community becomes a mosaic. A mosaic is a bunch of little pieces of either stone, tile, or glass that when put together, it makes a beautiful picture. In his book, Nouwen states that "community is like a large mosaic. Each little piece seems so insignificant... however, all these little stones are brought together in one big mosaic portraying the face of Christ... If one of them, even the least spectacular one, is missing, the face is incomplete" (page 63-64). A community should be a safe place that brings joy to all who is in it and that is only complete if the whole community is working

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