
Can Dogs Eat Cheerios Research Paper

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Can Dogs Eat Cheerios?
Cheerios is a popular brand which produces yummy cereals. Cheerios are considered healthy because of the fact that they are known to have low sugar content. The American Heart Association recommends eating cheerios for reducing cholesterol. Everybody loves ‘o’ shaped cheerios in their breakfast. Now the question arises can dogs eat cheerios? If humans love eating them, can it be fed to dogs as well? We have seen many pet owners asking the same question, therefore, in this article, we will answer this question and will enlist the flavors that you can feed to your dog.
Can dogs eat cheerios?
The answer is yes, but there are some points you should consider before feeding them cheerios. Cheerios are available in a variety of flavors and there …show more content…

For a canine, cheerios are just snacks which should be offered occasionally so that they do not develop a habit of it. Serving cheerios with milk can provide some vitamins and minerals to your dog, but the nutrients will be because of the milk and not cheerios. According to some vets, you can replace commercial dog treats with cheerios especially if your dog is suffering from overweight because cheerios are very low in calorie count and have ample of flavor. Your dog will think that he is getting the best treat in the world, but actually he is munching on something which is very low in calories.
Is Cheerios with milk to your dog is good or bad?
Often it is observed that people have cheerios with milk as breakfast in the morning and give the leftover to their dogs. Cheerios with milk if given to a canine does not cause any serious problem, but dogs have a weak digestive system when comes to lactose products. Some dogs can easily digest dairy products while others cannot. Therefore, it is advised to feed your dog the plain cereals without any milk for better digestion.
Some points to consider before feeding cheerios to your

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