
Campaign Spending: The Negative Influence Of Money In Politics

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Money in Politics
Campaign spending can have a critical influence on legislative outcomes, even if it doesn’t actually have an outsize impact on election outcomes. As long as candidates believe that spending gets them re-elected, this spending will influence how they vote in legislative battles once in congress. Campaign finance is at the very heart of complaints about elections. Money and its potentially corrupting influence are at the very heart of complaints about politics in the United States, and every two years, many candidates promise voters that they’ll try to reform a system that they say has been broken by congressional inaction and the Supreme Court. At their core, democratic elections are a battle of personalities and ideas, and …show more content…

Money can be readily transferred from one political jurisdiction to another, can sometimes be given in ways which conceal the identity of the original source, and can be converted into other types of political resources. However, many funds do not assure victory; they may be offset by party loyalties, issues, candidate attributes, incumbency, and a host of other issues. Money tends to gravitate to candidates who are expected to do well, with the result that some effort must be made to control for a candidate's electoral prospects. Money is essential to the proper functioning of democracy and elections. However, the system of financing matters greatly to determine whether or not elections and the political system, in general, ensures equality of participation both for political candidates and citizens as well as clarity and integrity. Contributors who give in order to gain access to elected officials …show more content…

Under new rules, corporations can’t directly give money to candidates but had to form a corporate PAC and register that money with the Federal Election Commission. The company funds can operate the PAC in which they can pay for staff and the PACa corporate PAC can contribute up to $5,000 per candidate to an unlimited number of candidates. However, money is funneled through the Super Pacs which can raise and spend unlimited amounts on politics but must operate independently of candidates and cannot contribute to individual candidates. Super PACs do have to file regular financial disclosure forms with the Federal Election Commission, including the source of donations and the amounts given. The 527 group is named for a section in the tax code, a 527 group can run political ads with unlimited individual and corporate contributions but must disclose donors to the IRS. However, the drawback of the 527 status is the disclosure of donor names. The IRS created the 527 selection specifically to permit organizations and committees to collect contributions for political activity. This means a 527 must report donors and contributions much like a candidate who files a campaign contribution report to state and federal election commissions. 501(c) is a nonprofit status, which is meant for organizations that primarily focus on social welfare. Like

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