
Camelot Monologue

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In ancient times, the kingdom of Britain was ruled by the wise King Arthur, who presided over the magnificent city of Camelot. Under his leadership, a valiant group of knights known as the Knights of the Round Table were formed. Alongside King Arthur, there was his nephew Gawain, who traversed the land of Camelot in search of a school that could help him become stronger, so he could better protect the king. As a loyal companion to my nephew, I, Sir Gawain, have stood by his side for as long as I can recall. However, I must admit that my prowess in battle is not on par with that of the Knights of the Round Table. Despite my desire to protect my nephew, I find myself in the position of being the one who requires protection. It is clear that …show more content…

"I'll teach you," he declared. And so, for the following months, I trained under his guidance. I grew stronger and more confident with each passing day, able to take on opponents with ease. As the new year approached, I knew that my time with him was coming to an end. Though I felt a twinge of sadness, I was grateful for all that he had imparted to me. The gentleman addressed me, "Gaiwan, you have made remarkable progress." However, before your departure, you must complete one final challenge. I replied “And what might that entail?" As he readied his axe, the gentleman declared, "You must engage in a fight with me, and it is a fight to the death." Trembling with fear, I knew I couldn't die. My nephew needs me by his side. The man reminded me that I had sought his help to overcome my fear of death. To conquer it, you must experience it," he said. As the man swung his axe towards me, I managed to dodge his attack. Despite my efforts, my body trembled with the fear of death. I struggled to fight back, but my strength had left me. In defeat, I dropped my sword and watched as the man's shadow loomed over me. "I had high hopes for you, Gawain," he said, "but it seems you are just like all the other men who have met their demise at my hands." the sound of the axe brought down, severing my head from my body, I could no longer move the last amount of strength I could muster. I apologized to my nephew for I could not fulfill the promise I had made to

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