
Camelot Alternate Ending

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Merlin took a break from moving about Arthur's chambers, tidying up, to stare absently out the window. The sun had risen warm and bright over Camelot today. And down below, the courtyard was bustling with servants and guards and knights, all hurrying about to do their various separate tasks and duties. It was just a normal morning for all of them. Nothing out of the ordinary. But as he stared down at the scene before him, Merlin couldn't help but shudder to think how close they had all been to not waking up to another normal day. Of course, no one else was aware of that fact. No one else knew of the events that had transpired last night. No one else knew that there had been yet another threat to Camelot as once again, a bitter sorcerer sought …show more content…

It was just Merlin. And for the young warlock who was starting to feel older and older with every new threat that he faced, it was just business as usual. He did everything in his power to protect Camelot and her King, and no one else, save for Gaius of course, had any idea. Merlin sighed at the burden that only seemed to get heavier and heavier on his shoulders. He was tired. And not just physically. He was mentally exhausted as well. No matter how many of Camelot's enemies he managed to defeat, there was always another to replace the previous one. It was a never-ending cycle. And Merlin was the only one for the job. Because of his destiny. Because of the great power that he possessed. There was no one else for him to rely on. Sure, Gaius may be there to help him along and offer support and advice, but in the end, it all came down to him. Merlin. He was the only one. The fate of the kingdom rested on his shoulders. Nobody else's. He was completely and utterly alone. Suddenly, Merlin was jolted out of his thoughts when something connected with the side of his head. He jumped away from the window in surprise, his heart pounding in his chest. Looking down at the floor, then, he breathed a huge sigh of relief as he soon realized that it had only been a pillow. Of course, that meant – "Merlin!" Arthur said …show more content…

Apparently the King had decided to vacate the seat at his desk in favor of finding objects to throw at his manservant's head. "Wake up, Merlin! I've been trying to get your attention for the past minute now!" Arthur continued, crossing his arms and glaring at Merlin from his position next to the bed. Merlin frowned. Had he really been that deep in thought? That he hadn't even heard the prat calling out to him from across the room? It wasn't a voice that could easily be ignored. And he would know. He had tried many times before to just tune out Arthur's voice. He was rarely ever successful. "What did you want, Sire?" he asked at last, turning away to look out on the courtyard once more. "I want to know what's wrong with you!" Arthur answered, his patience beginning to wear

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