
Call Of The Wild

Decent Essays

The Call of the Wild by Jack London, was a wonderful novella that I very much enjoyed reading. It had its few depressing and even shocking moments, but over all, I would love to read it again. One of my favorite parts was in Chapter 7, when Buck found himself and who he wanted to be with the wolf pack. My least favorite part of the book was also in Chapter 7, when John Thornton and his team dogs were killed by the Yeehat indians. I would have had Thornton leave and go home with his gold and other dogs, but leave Buck behind because it was where he wanted to be. Chapter 1: Into the Primitive was one of the most shocking chapters. It was surprising at first, when Manuel the gardener kidnapped Buck and sold him to a dog dealer. The atmosphere of the chapter then became upsetting when the man in the …show more content…

The only part I liked about it was when John Thornton rescued Buck from the awful people who had him. Charles was a shy man who went along with everything anyone else said and did not stand up for himself. Hal was an overconfident person who had more than what he needed. Mercedes was a bratty cry-baby of a woman, who has the maturity level of a three year old. The rest of the team dogs did not deserve to die at the hands of these ignorant people. The conflict I observed, was that Buck and the other team dogs were not getting fed, and so were dying along the road to Dawson. Chapter 6: For the Love of a Man was full of happiness and delight. My favorite part of this chapter was when Buck pulled the 1000 pounds of flour when only one person believed he could do it. My least favorite part was when Buck tore open the neck of the man who punched John Thornton. Even though the man deserved it, that part of the chapter was too gory for me. I did not observe a conflict in this chapter, but I did observe a great love between Buck and John

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