
California Is Facing Not Only Teacher Shortage But Teachers

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California is facing not only teacher shortage but teachers that are diverse. While the Hispanic and Asian population are increasing, there are hardly any teachers that are diverse. According to American Association of College for Teacher Education “that students of color made up more than 45% of the PK–12 population, whereas teachers of color made up only 17.5% of the educator workforce." (Deruy). While many may argue that the lack of diversity is happening because majority of the diverse population is going towards jobs that pay more such into technology and other occupations, one has to look also on how schools are encouraging those students into the teaching profession. Old schools like Mesa Verde High School that have been providing …show more content…

“I was surprised to find how un-diverse the school was and sadly still is.” (M. Willis, personal communications, April 18, 2017). Given how many students have passed thru the doors of that high school, it is a shame. Granted Mesa Verde has the excuse that in their district there the majority of the population is white, but it was not doing anything to increase its diversity of both students and staff. There is nothing to offer to diverse students in terms of the curriculum
“When students see their ethnic identities represented in the curriculum, they see their cultural history is valued, which serves to promote students’ sense of political efficacy— i.e., their belief that participation in their nation’s governance may make a difference for them (Bernstein, 1986) This is an important student-learning outcome of a multicultural curriculum because, historically, people of color have not been empowered to influence political policies and institutions, which often leaves them with a sense of societal helplessness and a lack of political influence over their collective future (Ogbu, 1990).” (Thompson, 2012)
The feeling of inclusion in minority students creates a starting base for welcoming students into the district. Nobody wants to be the odd ball out. Creating a curriculum that is inclusive to different cultures will not only generate new flow of students from other parts of the county but it will also entice and encourage diverse teachers, which is badly needed. In

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