
California Drought Research Paper

Decent Essays

Rodolfo Santillan
English 115
August 8, 2015
Water Shortage in California The California drought as of March 2015 has increased severely and has affected not just the residents of California, but also the farmers as well. My claim is to find a reliable way to save water and have the residents of California informed about the situation and the wastefulness of water being replenished. In this paper I want to address the issue of how much water we are constantly wasting even though we are in an exceptionally severe drought. I believe that the water shortage not only affects the residents but also takes a toll in the agricultural areas as well. I want to argue the point that everyone who wastes water is held responsible and what we could do …show more content…

“The Governor of California has already declared a state of emergency and has told everybody to cut water use by 20 percent, anyone who overuses water should be reported and are fine that up to $500.” (Greg Wuertz, 2014) The Drought affects everyone, we need water to survive, with less than 17 inches of rainfall, the agricultural areas will be parched of water and will be in need of water. Because of this, the farmers are forced to raise up their prices in order for them to maintain a balance. So those who live outside of California might tell themselves “Why do I care? This does not effect me at all.” It actually does,”California grows and exports a majority of the fruits and nuts eaten by the rest of the country. “By eating food grown in California, Americans indirectly uses more than 300 gallons of the state’s water each week,” so yes, it does affect …show more content…

Californians are using standard heads on their showers and are taking an abundant amount to get clean. There are so many products that you can buy at your local store that can reduce water use by half of what you regularly use. People who don’t use WaterSense shower heads that save up to 2,900 gallons per day and instead use regular shower head should be warned and show the problems it caused to our water supply. Those who over water their lawns are wasting 265 gallons of water monthly, and those who wash their cars and driveways are wasting 80 to 140 gallons of water were as an actual car wash garage only uses 30 to 45 gallons of water, we might think we are not wasting a lot, but we actually are. We do know that agriculture takes almost 70% of the water usage in California, but that’s because we need that water to help our produce survive. “California is one of the biggest providers in the world for fruits, vegetables and nuts.” (Zamora, Amanda, Lauren Kirchner, and Abrahm Lustgarten 2014) Without water providing this help, California would be affected almost

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