
Caesarian Section Essay

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In the past, women gave birth the natural way, via vaginal birth, with the help of a midwife only. As medicine developed, the gynecology and obstetrics department developed as well. Today women are given a choice - give birth the natural way or via caesarian section. It goes without saying that both procedures are practical, but it can be concluded that caesarian section is a surgery that carries a huge risks with it, and women who choose this procedure are taking this matter too lightly. There are many reasons to blame for the rising of the caesarean rate, such as: fear of giving birth via the natural method of birth - vaginal delivery; the fact that caesarian section is a faster procedure than natural birth and, finally, the baby’s position …show more content…

Fearing the pain that labors bring, they choose to deliver their children with surgery, i.e. C-section. However, this is not very advisable. Then why mothers choose this risky procedure, rather than the vaginal one even with the knowledge that it is not always safe? As my interviewee that works in the Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics in Macedonia confirmed, in the interview that was conducted on date 07.04.2016: . Also, my interviewee’s opinion and advice is that a more physiological and a better choice of giving birth is the vaginal birth. With this in mind, this medical procedure should be carried out only when the case is critical. . Preferably, caesarean section shouldbe performed when: the baby is in a bottom-down position, the mother is pregnant with twins, and the first baby isn't in a head-down position or perhaps the mother has medical condition (for e.g. heart disease) or previous traumatic vaginal birth. It should not be taken for granted and women should not be encouraged to have it if they are afraid of labous. Instead, doctors should help theirfemale patients make the right decision when it comes to their condition and child’s

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