CM Gilmore responded to an IMM call, and staffed the intake report with supervisor P. Brown, and director Brandi Threat. The interview was conducted at Columbia County Sheriff Department the Debuck family met CM Gilmore and LE at the sheriff office. Officer Payne was present in the interview along with the Heather and Asa Debuck. Jeffery Debuck a son of the family, who they adopted at birth. They reported that earlier that morning they had a counseling session with Dr. Pope with Life Management Group. During the counseling session, she disclosed that VC would be a safety threat if he were to go back home where there are young girls in the home. The mother thought that if she took him to the sheriff office, he would be turned over to DFCS, …show more content…
He reported that his sister would not be careful around him with the password to the ipad. He reported that he got the password from watching her put it in the ipad.
• Vc reported that he doesn’t feel safe when he is left the opportunity to get on things he doesn’t supposed to get on.
• Discipline used in the home is being grounded until they feel like he should be taken off being grounded.
• Vc reported that he hasn’t done anything sexual recently to his sisters or no one at school.
• VC reported that he attends Grovetown HS
• VC reported that he is in the 9th grade
• VC reported that his favorite subject is Math
• VC reported that his favorite basketball team is Chicago Bulls, and he wants to be a NBA basketball player when he gets older.
• Vc reported that the green writing on one of the papers is names of porn starts. He reported that he wanted to see what they can do. He reported that at the time of him writing them down, and searching for them on the computer, he know he was in violation of the safety plan with DJJ.
• Vc reported that he was in ISS in January. He reported that he went to ISS, because he was hiding in the bathroom, when a teacher told him to come out.
• VC reported that he has no concerns regarding his home
Lila Ortega, a College of the Redwoods said her boyfriend Kyle Zoellner, 23, and her friends at the party were struck at various times after he asked two men if they’d seen her missing phone. She said she was punched in the face by a man and her boyfriend was beat to the ground a kicked repeatedly.
Kyneligh and Tucker were asked on 10-8-17; have someone pulled down their panties. Tucker stated that: " I don't wear panties I wear underwear." Kyneligh said " No" fast. Tucker stated that: "Junior puts his finger in my butt hole. Tucker had a rash around his butt. Tucker has blotter spot. Brooke did take Tucker to the doctor. The doctor prescribed Tucker with a steriod shot. Tucker has this about two to three time. The reporter then asked Kyneligh is someone told you; you not to tell, or they will do something to you. Kyneligh stated that: "Yes." Junior puts her finger in my newnew (vagina). Junior told me if I tell someone he would hurt Brook." The reporter stated that: "After Kyneligh and Tucker told her this she did not
With discipline is all about reinforcing positive behaviors. One example can be to give out praises when a positive social behavior has been shown and encourage to continue the behavior. As the previous example that I used, if the parents had explained that it is not appropriate to hit or throw things at people. Then the child would have learned that what he did was wrong and would likely learn not to do it again if he is given an acceptable consequence to his behavior. When disciplining a child they must receive a consequence that is appropriate for his or her age.
REPORTER: The reporter (Gennette) called with concerns for the victims, Leslie, Tapenga, and Teagan. According to the reporter, there was a police report in Leslie’s file from Wisconsin. When Justin Tegelman (Leslie’s brother/special needs/currently 19 years old) was 16 years old, he had six counts of sexual assault (from December 2011-June 2012), while living in Wisconsin. The incidents occurred when Justin was a minor. In the police report, Chad (Justin’s father) caught him doing something to one of his sisters (Tapenga). Chad caught them under the covers, and it didn’t appear that their pants were down. Justin said they (Tapenga) were humping. The reporter said, Chad clapped his hands together to indicate humping and Tapenga said “that’s not what happened”. Justin described it as
Reporter (Charlesetta) stated the following: He has been talking about the abuse and has been going back and forth since October 20th/ He said he was sexually assaulted by a 12 year old girl (unknown). Ms. Katina allowed the girl to come over. No one was responsible for their care. Ms. Katina was not there.
The Sheriff, also, deduced that the department computer had been utilized to procure items for sexual and hunting activities. Accessing Officer Narcissus’ Facebook page, herself, the Sheriff stumbled upon all of the postings Officer Narcissus had posted. Before powering down the computer, the Sheriff opened another site in the computer’s history and gained knowledge of the site’s contents; which happened to be a child pornography containing images of adolescents being sexually abused.
R/s Kye reported that his 15-year-old sisters are teaching him bad and gross things. R/s Kye stated that last night they asked him to pull his pants down and because he said no they hit them. R/s according to Kye, one sister hit him on his hand with her hand and the other sister hit him on the hand with a clothes hanger.
Among Vietnamese families is to tie a misbehaving child 's ear to a doorknob as some other culture a child could be beaten/whip and physical injury inflicted as a means of discipline. To them their action is normal based on their cultural believe. (Mclntyre et al 1992) The American middle-class culture is one of the few that uses positive reinforcement procedures while limiting punishment when deemed necessary, a mild, spanking may be administered, although a more frequent practice is to isolate the misbehaving child, withdrawing love and affection for a period of time (Mclntyre et al 1992). These majority culture parents perceive their methods as being more humane than those that incorporate physical punishment. However, other cultural/ethnic groups often view the dominant culture style as being crueler. (Mclntyre et al 1992). While some culturally diverse guardians may use quickly administered physical punishment, they would never hint at an emotional separation from their progeny that might create feelings of rejection in the child. (Mclntyre et al 1992)
According to the article “Should Step-Parents be Allowed to Discipline?” it states that “The word ‘discipline’ comes from the same Latin root as the word ‘disciple’. It means ‘education’.” Continuing from the same article, the author explains that “Discipline...doesn’t mean punishment.” These two things connected together prove that when parents either biological or step, should discipline their children physically. Spankings and other forms of physical contact with the children can cause them to become scarred. The most important years of a child’s life are the first 6. If they are being disrespected and not taken care of properly, then they can become a person just like who raised them. They can become depressed and feel unwanted or be violent to others themselves. Educating them about the right and wrong things is much more important because then you will still be building a bond and teaching them, witch is the proper way to
The family members express respect for each other. The parents and children in this family are viewed as individuals who work, attend school and have separate lives. There is no evidence of violence in this family. Physical punishment is not used as a form of discipline. A time-out period is usually given to allow a bad behavior to end and to contemplate the behavior (Clark, 2003). Removal of privileges such as not going outside with a friend, or not watching a certain television show is sometimes used to discipline. This type of discipline is appropriate for the school aged child who values his friends and his free time.
One very simple word that describes discipline is training. A child is not born with the knowledge of what is acceptable or expected. A parent must invest their own time and patience while showing love and exemplary behavior while molding their children into becoming well behaved (Child Abuse vs. Discipline). Being a parent is a hard enough job already, but when it comes to being a parent having to discipline your child, it becomes much harder. It takes time for a child to learn and process new behaviors, and this is a reason a parent must not have a short fuse when it comes to discipling their children.
My prior understanding of discipline was uneducated and inaccurate. I was certain that discipline was related to punishment and the goal was to have a particular unwanted behavior to cease. A child that required discipline would be singled out, scolded, forced to perform a chore or action, such as sit for a time out, or the child would have something taken away, such as television or toys. As a child, I grew up in a household with parents who were primarily authoritative. They tended to be fair; however they did use punishment through "grounding", which generally meant that we were not able to engage in fun for set period of time. Other times, we were instructed to perform some sort of labor of their choice, such as washing my Dad's
This is a very effective way to discipline a child because this helps that child be a responsible family member and citizen of the society (Bugwadia).
Discipline is one of the basic things a child learns from his parents before he or she faces the outside world to learn more about life as a whole. Teaching this trait can depend on how the parent shows it to their child and how they explain the importance of having this trait both in and out of their homes. Misbehaving children cannot be avoided as they are curious little beings and they have a tendency to explore. But there are some parents, even teachers, who do not tolerate misbehaving and they resort to corporal punishments such as spanking to make sure the child never forgets how painful it is to misbehave as they will remember the punishment entailed to it and become more disciplined. However, not all children would understand the