
CM Gilmore's Intake Report

Satisfactory Essays

CM Gilmore responded to an IMM call, and staffed the intake report with supervisor P. Brown, and director Brandi Threat. The interview was conducted at Columbia County Sheriff Department the Debuck family met CM Gilmore and LE at the sheriff office. Officer Payne was present in the interview along with the Heather and Asa Debuck. Jeffery Debuck a son of the family, who they adopted at birth. They reported that earlier that morning they had a counseling session with Dr. Pope with Life Management Group. During the counseling session, she disclosed that VC would be a safety threat if he were to go back home where there are young girls in the home. The mother thought that if she took him to the sheriff office, he would be turned over to DFCS, …show more content…

He reported that his sister would not be careful around him with the password to the ipad. He reported that he got the password from watching her put it in the ipad.
• Vc reported that he doesn’t feel safe when he is left the opportunity to get on things he doesn’t supposed to get on.
• Discipline used in the home is being grounded until they feel like he should be taken off being grounded.
• Vc reported that he hasn’t done anything sexual recently to his sisters or no one at school.
• VC reported that he attends Grovetown HS
• VC reported that he is in the 9th grade
• VC reported that his favorite subject is Math
• VC reported that his favorite basketball team is Chicago Bulls, and he wants to be a NBA basketball player when he gets older.
• Vc reported that the green writing on one of the papers is names of porn starts. He reported that he wanted to see what they can do. He reported that at the time of him writing them down, and searching for them on the computer, he know he was in violation of the safety plan with DJJ.
• Vc reported that he was in ISS in January. He reported that he went to ISS, because he was hiding in the bathroom, when a teacher told him to come out.
• VC reported that he has no concerns regarding his home

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