
CASE: Pizza USA - An Exercise in Translating Customer Requirements Into Process Design Requirements

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Production & Operations Management

Pizza USA is a chain of pizza restaurants that currently offers sit-down and take-out service. Many customers have said that they would buy more pizzas from Pizza USA if it offered a delivery service. This exercise is in two parts. In Part I, you play the customer. In Part II, you play the manager at Pizza USA who is responsible for developing the pizza delivery process design requirements.
To start with, you have to think like a customer. This should be easy since you probably have experience with ordering pizza to be delivered. Put that experience to work! Make a list of the attributes of pizza delivery that are important to you AS A CUSTOMER!
As we said, this should be easy. Right? Or is …show more content…

The fact is that as soon as the pizza comes out of the oven, it starts to cool. So, how could you keep the pizza from dropping below some minimum temperature before you hand it to your customer?
• Make sure that in question 3, you identify quantitative measurements. (See the second paragraph of Part II.)

1 Make a list of pizza delivery attributes that are important to you as a customer.
2 Categorize your list of items under a series of major headings.
3 Make a list of pizza delivery process design requirements. Associate with each requirement a measure that would ensure that the process meets the requirement.

CASE: Pizza USA - An Exercise in Translating Customer Requirements Into Process Design Requirements
1. Make a list of pizza delivery attributes that are important to you as a customer.
Quick order taking: is important that when calling the restaurant to place the order, they answer and take the order in a timely manner.
Pizza arrives on time: customers want their delivered as soon as possible.
Pizza is hot: is important for the pizza to be kept hot as it arrives.

2. Combine your list with the lists of a few other class members and categorize the items under a series of major headings.
Good customer service
Good food quality
Fast delivery service

3. Make a list of pizza delivery process design requirements. Associate with each requirement a measure

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