
C4-5 Injury

Decent Essays

Review of the medical record indicates that he had a MVA in 1977 with C4-5 injury that resulted in him been a Quadriplegic. Due to his bedbound and immobility status he has had multiple pressure ulcers over the years that have resulted in hospital admission and rehab stays. Other medical history include, HTN, hyperlipidemia, Sacral pressure ulcer, Right hip pressure ulcer, Constipation, depression. Bilateral arm contractures, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, urostomy and colostomy, aspiration pneumonia, neuropathy and MRSA.
At today 's visit he is accompanied by his mother and father. He is lying in bed, awake and alert. His parents report that he has been a quadriplegic for 39 years. Over those years he has had multiple pressure ulcers that …show more content…

He is total care with his ADLS, he is able to verbalized his needs but unable to perform them. He reports that he had a colostomy placed in 2011 and urostomy placed in 2014. His father provides hygiene care and changes for both his colostomy and urostomy bag. He has bilateral arm/hand contractures and he has gotten weaker. He is getting OT and PT from kindred home health. He uses a hospital bed with air mattress and his father changes his position every 3 hours. He reports pain in his legs and back that is constant, dull and aching. His pain is worse with movement and dressing change. His current pain level is 8/10 on a pain scale. His pain regimen consists of fentanyl 75 mcg patch every 72 hours and oxycodone 5 mg p.o every 6 hours as needed for breakthrough pain. He has been taking 2 prn doses daily because he did not want to run out of medication. He states that 2 prn dose is not effective in relieving his breakthrough pain. He previously was getting his medication from his PCP but since his condition has deteriorated his parent who are elderly is not able to get him to the

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