
By The Waters Of Babylon Summary

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1. Theme I would say that the theme of the story is the difference between knowledge and truth. The son longs to learn the secrets of the “dead places.” His journey to the bombed out city is forbidden by the laws of his people, but he is compelled to go nevertheless. What he discovers is that the gods of this place were not gods at all, they were humans like himself. 2. Character John is the main character and the protagonist of the story. He becomes a priest after his father takes him and goes to the Dead Places to make John touch the metal. Throughout the story, John has shown courage and ambition in his character. He didn’t want to tell us where he was, in the story he is an ignorant because he didn’t know where he was or what place. …show more content…

Quick Summary The short story By the Waters of Babylon is set in a future following the destruction of industrial civilization, the story is narrated by a young man, who is the son of a priest. When he gets to New York City, he crosses the Hudson River by raft and then walks into an area of which is probably Manhattan. 4. Point of view By the Waters of Babylon is written in the first person. You can tell this right away because the protagonist, John, says the word I throughout the story. Thus, the story is told from his point of view which is first person. My father is a priest I am the son of a priest. he went to places that it could be very scary and he went to many others places walking by himself but he thought he is with the gods. 5. Settings Quick Summary The short story By the Waters of Babylon is set in a future following the destruction of industrial civilization, the story is narrated by a young man, who is the son of a priest. The priests of John's people the hill people are inquisitive people associated with the divine. In the story’s opening paragraph, the protagonist and first-person narrator, John, recounts the laws of his tribe. It has been forbidden since the beginning of time, he says, to travel east, to cross the great river, or to visit or

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