
Business Manager Personal Statement

Decent Essays

As a sophomore I recognize that I have a lot to learn in order to be a successful businesswomen. I am eager to continue my journey of becoming a smart, confident, respected leader and in order to further develop these traits I know that I need to gain experience. Experience can mean learning specific skills or learning about new people and lifestyles. This program will allow me to do both.
First, I am extremely interested in working this summer, especially with a well know multination corporation, ideally under the watch of an experienced mentor. I look forward to my mentor helping me further understand possible career paths and the day-to-day life of a business person. While I have thought a lot about possible career paths, my lack of individual experience makes it difficult to reach a conclusion that I can feel confident about. Working over the summer will allow me to start collecting information about the professional workplace …show more content…

Also, by working over the summer I will gain a more precise idea of business behavior. The best way to learn is by doing. I want to begin applying knowledge I have acquired from the classroom to real practices. In order to continue growing as a businesswoman I must implement current knowledge into novel settings.
I will develop significantly through the internship, but the opportunity to experience a different culture and live in a historical environment will facilitate much greater advancement. My passion for interacting with unique cultures across the globe will grow as a result of this opportunity. If selected to spend ten weeks living and working in the beautiful city of Linz, Austria, I will develop culturally, socially, and professionally. Like many students, I want to travel more, so that I

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