
Business At Work Essay

Good Essays

Business At Work

1. Introduction

1.1 Aim

The aim of this report is to understand the Business Environment and within organisation of Ford Motor Company (FMC), which includes the culture and management of the company. This report will also analyse and evaluate communication channels and quality control that FMC possess. Finally, conclusions will be drawn through the assessment of the process that is carried out by the company to meet their objectives, with recommendation of alternative approaches, which may enable FMC with further success in the future takings.

1.2 Report Structure

The investigation will follow a structured analysis approach, illustrated in Appendix I.

2. Review of Ford Motor Company

2.1 …show more content…

Currently, the Ford family owns 20% of the company’s share.
Although the Ford family owns such a small percentage of the company’s share, they still hold the majority right of the company.

As a well-established public limited company, FMC holds the advantage over newly set up company as it dominates the market with only a few major competitors such as General Motors and Toyota.

However, as a successful plc, FMC faces threats from outside interests that may result as being the subject to fluctuation or even possible take-over battles. For example, in the past few years, Ford has taken over a couple of automotive companies such as Jaguar and Volvo. Also, they had discussions about taking over BMW but were unsuccessful.

As described above FMC has made the translation from a small private company into a global public listed company over the past century. Its size and company structure has both its advantages and disadvantages.


- Limited Liability

- Continuity of the business (as a plc, it normally dominates the market)

- Ease of buying and selling shares

- The ease of capital inquisition (it’s easier for a plc to raise their finances as financial institutions are more willing to lend money to a plc)


- The ease of buying and selling shares may attract outside interest that may result for being the subject to fluctuation of possible take over battles.


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