
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee Summary

Satisfactory Essays

I am writing this paper to explain how the government could have handled the conflicts better in the book “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.” The whites were not fair to the Native Americans. They wouldn’t leave the Indians alone, or help them when they were in need of help.
The whites came to America and wanted all the Indians to go move west. So they could live on the east side of the United States. The problem was that the Indians didn’t want to move west. They wanted to stay on the land that they lived on forever, and make peace with everyone. The white men only understand sovereign rule and deeds to property, so they foreign things to the Indians. The Indians lived in the Black Hills towards chapter 12. The whites really wanted the land the Native American lived on because …show more content…

But the Indians had nowhere to go, if they left, because the whites would have all the land. So the Indians asked the whites to leave the land, so they can live in peace. So the whites made a promise that all the whites would leave the land. The U.S. government got involved with it even more, and didn’t keep their promise there was white men on the land. The Natives really wanted peace with them so they went to them again, and asked to agree with a peace council. The government doesn’t agree with peace. Another situation they have, is the whites forced the Kiowas off of their land. They brought the Kiowas to a different reservation. The Kiowas didn’t want to move so they started to fight the white hunters on their land, because they were killing the buffalo. The whites didn’t listen to anything the Kiowas wanted, or even the treaty in 1867. So the whites sent someone to fix the problem that was going on. The man that was sent to the Kiowas land, showed up and arrested the chiefs of the Native Americans. Towards the end of the book, the Indians made a religious Ghost Dance. This dance

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