
Burger And Starbird: Video Analysis

Decent Essays

Creativity and innovation are necessary in life, whether it is for evolving and adapting to new surroundings or for pulling a company out of a financial crisis, we use our creative abilities and innovate every day. In order to develop and grow the ability to think creatively, one must first understand where these ideas come from and in what environment innovation flourishes. Steven Johnson, Edward Burger, and Michael Starbird suggest change comes from productive thinking and working collaboratively in a group. Effective thinking can be broken down into five essential elements, while working collaboratively in a group setting allows for different views on the topic at hand creating a stronger more defined product or process. In the video, …show more content…

In the concept, “The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking,” Burger and Starbird define five steps to ensure ideas can flow properly. The five steps are: understand deeply, make mistakes, raise questions, follow the flow of ideas, and change; all of which are necessary for growing new ideas and developing creativity (Moore, 2012). “Understanding deeply” starts with an individual realizing a void of information exists and the need for that void to be filled. Clear understanding is done by listening first to the issue or problem rather than making assumptions. “Making mistakes” is important to the learning process as it provides the vital information necessary for moving forward and being successful. The process to “raise questions” helps clarify misconceptions and reduces confusion throughout the entire process. “Follow the flow of ideas” explains the importance of realizing that every great product or service that we have today started with an idea that was probably significantly different than it was in conception. Finally, “change” is necessary to grow and should be allowed to occur and in some cases

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