
Buick Stereotypes

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As Americans today, we live in a society obsessed with newness, youth, and progress. These compulsions are cultivated by a time in which computers, televisions, and mobile devices are within our reach 24/7, providing a constant stream of the new products and services available. Innovation is the face of tomorrow and the modern consumer knows it. Advertising today caters to this concept, enticing customers with promises that their product is better than anything that has been offered before. The present-day car market is no different and Buick has recognized the potential. In their recent car ad, they effectively address the desires of the buyer by using humor, establishing their brand, and appealing to pathos. Generally speaking, the first thing that concerns marketing agencies is how they can implement an idea that will remain with the viewer. Since the average person is undoubtedly exposed to hundreds of advertising ploys on a daily basis, it is crucial for major corporations to establish an ad that sets them apart from the uniformity of their competitors. One of the ways to achieve this is through humor. After all, “neuroscience suggests that our attention is …show more content…

In Buick’s particular ad, they understand the staying power of comedy and use it to poke fun at the potential stereotypes surrounding their past vehicles. While the american producer has been coined as building cars ministering specifically to the older generation, the company attempts to reinvent itself by insisting that it has “engineered all of the grandma out of it.” The ability to make fun of oneself is always a likable quality and Buick uses this self-deprecating humor to effectively address the image problem that has plagued the company for decades while also creating a memorable and amusing

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