
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Analysis

Decent Essays

In Gina Wisker’s article “Vampires and School Girls: High School Jinks on the Hellmouth”, she makes the point that Buffy is a new kind of women within vampire fictions. She supports this point by showing how Buffy is not a stereotypical helpless woman in a vampire film; Buffy is a strong independent woman who kills vampires and other creatures. While Wisker makes a very strong argument, this idea of a new kind of women could be extended to Willow and a new kind of men shown in Xander and Giles.
In the first episode of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, the viewer sees Willow as a stereotypical woman in monster films. She was kidnapped and did not know how to defend herself, but throughout the rest of the show Willow develops as a strong …show more content…

As stated earlier, men are normally the hero’s but Xander represents a new kind of man. The dynamic of the man being the hero is flipped once again; Xander is a man that acts as a side kick to the main hero, who is a female. Xander tries his best to help Buffy throughout the film but he since he does not have any supernatural powers, like Buffy and Willow, there is not much he can do. Even though he does not have powers, this does not mean that he is weak. The most important part about Xander is that he sees beyond the supernatural and stays strong and supportive throughout the series. Xander keeps his hopes in the hardest situation and keeps the group tougher and positive. He will even sacrifice himself in order to keep the people he loves safe. He continuously fixes things for the group, and later on he goes on to cotinine his education and get a job as a carpenter. Xander represents a kind of man that may not take all the spot light but is still strong, level headed and the heart of the group. Possibly the best thing about Xander is that fact that he is normal. By just staying true who he is he helps his friends and saves the world, more than once.
Another kind of man in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, is portrayed by Giles. Giles is a watcher assigned to watch and teach Buffy how to become a slayer. He helps to teach Buffy and get her ready for the battles

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