
Buffer Strip Research Paper

Decent Essays

Buffer Strip

America’s farmers together can feed three hundred forty-one million people in a good year. That leaves only a little food left because the US has three hundred twenty million people. If the fifty foot buffer initiative law is enforced, one-hundred twenty thousand extra people will starve. Buffer strips are the land in between a field and a body of water. It’s used to help filter out chemicals so our water doesn’t get polluted with chemicals. Because of Minnesota’s polluted waters, Mark Dayton signed the Buffer Strip Initiative in 2015. The law hasn’t been passed yet, but it makes the sixteen foot buffers into fifty foot buffers. Most farmers don’t follow the sixteen foot law, but our waters’ getting worse, so Dayton is getting stricter. Governor Dayton’s Buffer Strip Initiative shouldn’t be enforced, we should just make farmers aware of the consequences if they don’t follow the sixteen foot law.

If we have fifty foot buffers, farmers get a lot of their land taken away and they don’t get anything in return. If farmers have to have fifty feet between their field and a wetland. However, it’s still considered their land so they still have to pay tax for the land they can’t touch. Even though half of Minnesota’s water is unsupportable for living organisms, it’s not all a farmers fault. If you look at a lot of …show more content…

Seventy percent of the Dead Zone pollution in the Gulf of Mexico, is from Minnesota. But, that’s because we didn’t follow the sixteen foot buffer law. If the farmers put sixteen feet between their field and waterways, Minnesota would have clearer water. Fifty foot buffers are about five times more than we need. That empty land from the buffer is where food could be planted for many families. One acre feeds a family for a year, and one acre is around the size of a football field. Imagine 120,000 football fields, filled with food but then it gets taken

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