
Buddhism In China Job Analysis

Decent Essays

To what extent can the Christian value influence the mission among the stricken Buddhists in China positively?
As the writer continues her mission involvement in East Asia, she realizes the Buddhists often believe in Karma and they consider the encountered plight reveals their transgression. Even if the Cultural Revolution during the 1960s in China and its aftermath has left the country with religious oppression and persecution, the Buddhism remains strangely influential due to the remaining temples. With the interaction and investigation of the spiritual and physical afflicted individuals among the Buddhism background, the ear witness of their experience of the Holy Spirit has revealed the spectrum of the work of God. Similar to Job’s belief, many afflicted Buddhists hold the perspective that they were not representing the extent of their sins, not knowing that they turn to the wrong God for help. Many of the people around these underrepresented sufferers treat them unfairly in a manner like how the three friends of Job represented the problematic concept of retribution theology throughout their debate concerning Job’s encountered circumstances. With the notice of this issue, the writer would like to …show more content…

Then, the outreach and the mission conducted will be addressed insofar as the conversion occurs. Finally, the writer will conclude her research with the extent and approaches the Christian theology may convert among the Buddhist milieu. The success of this paper will not only be the partial fulfillment of this assignment, but also in the preparation for the service navigation of the writer. Her goal is to connect the believers with the involvement of the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son to enlighten the spiritually disadvantaged Buddhists as they are the majority in East

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