
Bryant's Thanatopsis

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Nature, during the Renaissance era provided inspiration and a feeling of higher enlightenment for many of the authors who wrote poetry and biographies during this period. William Cullen Bryant, a poet from this period was deeply inspired by nature. His poems reflect a close relationship with nature and he uses this relationship to craft the ideas in his poetry from his observations. Bryant’s poem Thanatopsis reflects his feelings towards nature along with his dark feelings on death. These views and feelings within the poem are used to show death being more of a process that will include a journey with nature. From a literature analysis point of view Bryant’s poem is unique. His poem, however, relating back to death does not embrace religious …show more content…

Transcendence meaning to change form or to become something different then you once where and this can be spiritual or physical transcendence. Thanatopsis utilizes ideas of both a spiritual and a physical transcendence. The spiritual transcendence being the idea that nature is speaking and teaching the person as they going through the death process, which means that nature has now taken on a quality that is now not just a visual and physical part of someone’s everyday life but now a spiritual part because nature has been given the qualities that could be described as those that a being would have. This idea is also supported by E. Miller Budick who in his critical essay states that Bryant’s “contemplation of death, imitates the Romantic vison by which man in enables to both conserve and transcend the images of nature and the mind. ( Budick). This idea of transcendence within the poem being the idea that when we die we will be a part of nature not only in the physical remains that are left from out former self but also the spiritual being within ourselves will now be a part of this larger spiritual being which is nature. Bryant states transcendence ideas within his poem when he …show more content…

Budick, the author discusses transcendentalism within the poem as well as how the images described within the poem relate back to transcendentalism. The way in which I have incorporated this source into my research essay is by using it to support my argument on nature being sympathetic to individuals as well as how transcendentalism is used in the poem.
Mclean, Albert F. William Cullen Bryant. New York: Twayne publisher Inc, 1964. Print.
Albert Mclean’s Book William Cullen Bryant. Analysis many of Bryant’s poems including Thanatopsis. His book not only talks about Bryant’s poems but it also talks about a little about Bryant’s life as well as some of his ideas on writing and how the public viewed his poems. This source I used in my essay to argue the sermon like tone that Thanatopsis has as well as the use of plain style, the meaning of plain style, and how that structure is used within the poem.
Muller, Guilber H. William Cullen Bryant. New York: State University of New York Press, 2008. Print
Guilbert’s book William Cullen Bryant give a great amount of detail on Bryant’s life from and his accomplishments. I used this source within my paper to give some details about Bryant’s life such as his love for nature and background information about him growing up

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