
Brutal Rape Research Papers

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Throughout history, rape has been recorded from all cultures, countries and religions (Jiloha, 2013). Historically, a woman’s body was considered the property of the husband or father. In the ancient Roman culture, states Jiloha (2013), sexual assault or rape was considered a violent theft of a woman from the individual with whom had legal capacity over her. Therefore, the crime was incurred against the husband or father of the woman. Jiloha (2013) reminds us that when the ancient Roman, Greek and Persian armies overtook another country, group rape of women occurred and was a commonplace disciplinary act. Even within the U.S, spousal rape was not considered a crime in all 50 states until 1993 (Bennice & Resick, 2003). In addition, a marital …show more content…

Some women acquiesce out of a need for self-preservation as evidenced by my interview of Jane (J. Smith, personal communication, March 22, 2017), a 55-year-old divorced female victim of marital rape and sexual assault. She stated she was excessively coerced and bullied into giving in to unwanted sexual intercourse. Jane has a history of several physical disabilities, surgeries and ailments. As Jane recounted some of her experiences, she related the horror of being raped by her husband after her physician ordered her to abstain from intercourse after the birth of her daughter. Not only, did she suffer through the physical pain of rape, she also suffered emotionally and mentally because the violations came from her husband. She relayed to me that she had lived in a constant state of fear, anxiety and depression until her divorce was finalized and she obtained a lifetime restraining order against her ex husband. She added that she engaged in a pattern of abusive relationships for the next several years. Jane stated, “People feel that rape by one’s husband can’t be as bad as rape by a stranger but it’s worse”. She is a successful single woman now, however she suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which requires medication and …show more content…

Of those whom develop PTSD, some individuals have stated a positive outcome from eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR is a clinical treatment created originally by Francine Shapiro, for those who suffer with PTSD (Thomaes, Engelhard, Sijbrandij, Cath & Van den Heuvel, 2016). Through the use of functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) researcher were able to visualize positive changes in the patient’s amygdala and other areas of the brain associated with recall of trauma determining EMDR helpful in some cases (Thomaes et al., 2016). They also state, cognitive therapy (CT) as well as prolonged exposure therapy (PE) illicit positive changes on the fMRI

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