
Brown V Board Of Education Case Study

Decent Essays

May 17, 1954 the United States Supreme Court decided to integrate public school in the Brown v. Board of education case(Jacoway). One year later they reiterated its ruling to desegregate the schools with all deliberate speed. With this law past, Little Rock decided to put a plan in action that would eventually take place three years later(Jacoway).
The school Superintendent Virgil Blossom came up with a three phase plan, called the Blossom Plane(Fitzgerald 23). For the first phase only 10th-12th grades then 7th-9th and last elementary 1st-6th. Daisy Lee Gatson Bates was one of the civil right activities who thought this plan was too slow(Fitzgerald 23). She was also the president of the NAACP, she decided to come up with a plan of her own. It started with 33 black students but was narrowed down to nine students. Once organized she presented her plan to the superintendent, but he refuse the enrollment of the kids(Fitzgerald 23). In February 1956, Willey branton, a lawyer of the NAACP filed a suit to federal court(Fitzgerald 24). He didn’t win this case, because the judge ruled that the school board was acting with reasonable speed by accepting the Blossom Plan. After Thurgood Marshall appeal the case the United States Court of Appeals ruled that Little Rock had to begin integration that year(Fitzgerald 25).
On September 4,1957 The Little Rock Nine arrived for their first day of school. Only eight arrived together, Ernest Green, Terrence Roberts, Minnijean Brown, Thelma

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