
Brown Recluse Research Paper

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Venomous Spiders | Pest Control Fort Worth There are close to 900 species of spiders in Texas. Of these, only two groups are poisonous to humans. Persons who receive bites from either of these two groups of venomous spiders should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Give us a call today to schedule pest control in Fort Worth, and the surrounding areas. Brown Recluse Loxosceles reclusa The brown recluse is one of the best known, and the most wide spread in the southern and central U.S. The shy recluse hides during the day, and is active at night. It lives in and around buildings in dark, warm, dry places, such as closets, under porches, in barns, etc. The spider is also known as 'the fiddle back' spider, because of the marking of a violin …show more content…

Amazingly, the spider can go months without eating, and the female needs to mate only once to produce fertile eggs throughout her lifetime, producing 150 or more spiderlings in a year. Once they establish residence in a structure, they are often difficult to control without professional pest control in Fort Worth. Hundreds of brown recluses can be living in a home, while only a few are seen due to their reclusive behavior. The spider's venom causes the gangrenous death and decay of the tissue surrounding the site of the bite. While some persons only experience intense itching, others report the symptoms of chills, itching, fever, nausea, sweating and general malaise (sickness and discomfort). A blister forms, with the potential for a volcano lesion to develop, and may take as long as 8 weeks to heal. Though rare, death may occur. Due to the large numbers that can be present in a home, when present, professional pest control in Fort Worth is strongly recommended. The National Institute of Health (NIH) recommends when bitten, wash the wound with soap and water, wrap ice in a cloth and apply 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off, repeating until you arrive at an emergency room. Bring the spider if possible for identification. Contact The Bug Dude for effective pest control in Fort

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