
Broken Window Model Essay

Decent Essays

Harmful intentional actions of an individual are threatening regardless if the individual has a visible weapon. A weapon doesn’t have to be a gun, a knife, or a club; the individual himself/ herself can be intimidating. The root cause of unarmed individuals’ death is not lack of officer’s training. The training is in place, that’s the purpose of going to the academy to learn hand to hand combat, detaining a suspect, and bringing them down to the ground to gain compliance. Police officer’s training continues after the academy with a FTO field training where the new officer shadows an experience officer and refresher courses to keep officers afloat on properly handling situations both passive and aggressive (Knetzger, 2013). In the event a suspect …show more content…

It’s the realistic situations faced where both the officer and the suspect anticipate each other reactions or responses and someone ends up hurt sometimes both the officer and the suspect are injured. Wilson and Kelling uniquely says departments need to find a link between disorder and crime and how it impacts social skills also known as the broken window model. This creates the relationship between the police and the community (Schmalleger, 2009).
In fact, we live in a world full of choices and it is the reason the departments should practice the community-orientated policy to eliminate the non-retaining information. On the contrary, old fashion ways suggest knowledge is easily remembered so it forever embedded causing stagnate results. The community-orientated policy will have mandatory class sessions with the people in the local community which involves them and the officers to work together in drawing diagrams to represent the relationship and their importance in the community.
The seminar or class will allow each current resident to mind map improvements to promote good behavior and activity such as positive

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