
Broken Record Catcher In The Rye

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The broken record represents the cessation of Holden's innocence. The record itself symbolizes how Holden is stuck between childhood and adulthood. Holden describes the record, “It was about a little kid that wouldn't go out of the house because two of her front teeth were out and she was ashamed to...[Estelle Fletcher] sings it very Dixieland and whorehouse, and it doesn't sound at all mushy” (Salinger 114-115). The contrast between what the record is actually about and how it is sang shows why Holden likes it so much. It is directed towards children, but has an adult tone to it, this shows how Holden is stuck between adulthood and childhood. When Holden breaks the record he believes that he will be disappointing Phoebe, but really he is disappointing

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