
Broken Home Research Paper

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It is understandable that the ex-wife may get the house due to the children, to keep from having them to lose all of their memories that they had made to move into another house. But the spouses should agree on who gets the house, along with who the children stay with most. If the children are older they should have control over who they stay with. Also if one spouse gets the house the other spouse should get the property. If the couple has debts they should be divided equality.
If the divorce is caused by one spouse, such as cheating, then that spouse should have to pay for the divorce settlement, and the marriage counseling. But it takes two to get a divorce, so if a divorce is brought into the relationship then the couple should talk …show more content…

Before having to tell the children that their parents are not going to be living together anymore, the parents should figure out a healthier situation for the them instead of having them jump from one house to another every weekend. It is not healthy to children having to go from one house to another every weekend just so they get to see both of their parents. When doing this the child is still spending more time with one parent then they are with the other. Maybe the parents can consider still living in the same house but staying in different rooms thataway the child is still living as a family rather than a separated …show more content…

Whether that be that the child stays with the father for a two weeks to a month and then with the mother two weeks to a month. It would benefit the child more having a more stable place to stay rather than having to stay with the father one weekend and then the mother the rest of the week. In doing this it would give both of the parents an equitable amount of time with the children. It would benefit the parents too giving them time to themselves to get their work done, and not have to worry about when the children are not going to be

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