The British East India Company took over India because of all the resources that they had. when the company made the Indians join a military they rebelled and started firing back at the British and then the company “called” the British government and they came with big guns to take control and regain India for themselves.British imperialism has a negative impact on the politics of india because of the British courts and the government wasn't far toward the indians. British imperialism had a negative impact on the economy of India because the British did not help the environment and they made railroads to take away from the land. British imperialism had a positive impact on the economy of India because the British eliminated highway robberies, …show more content…
Lalvani claims the British "established the framework for India's justice system",in fact they did give them a justice system but it was unfair to indians. Indians were punish way more harsh for the same crimes that the british were doing (doc 4). British imperialism had a negative impact on the economy of India because the British did not help the environment and they made railroads to take away from the land. Cash crops made the land of India worse by poverty and the heat of the …show more content…
The mining industry also didn't help because it was taking 16 million tons of coal a year from the Indians (16). While the Indians lost their resources the English made off with a lot of money and India's resources.British imperialism had a positive impact on the economy of India because the British eliminated highway robberies, widow suicides and female infanticide. The British also brought English to Indians. Highway robbery was an extremely big problem in India causing people not to use the highways also widow suicide is when the husband dies the window will commit suicide along with the husband because women were seen as a useful and then the infanticide of female babies was when the parents would kill their female babies because they did not want to give the person who was to marry her any money(18). This was significant because the British civilized the barbariceness of the robberies,killings and suicides. Usually Imperium is seen as a bad thing with it being social and changing the culture of the place, but what the British did was making india a safer more civilized place. The British also brought English to
The British damaged India severely political wise, but it didn’t stop there. Economically the British destroyed India's fertile ground. Indians were now required to grow British cash crops (Doc 6+7) instead of items that would benefit them, like veggies, fruit, etc. One cash crop was indigo. Indigo ended up being one of the leading factors for famine (Doc 6+7).
After the Industrial revolution started in Europe the Europeans needed raw material from other countries and from that came the Idea of Imperialism when one country takes over another. Although what the British were doing seemed to be benefiting India was actually doing the opposite. Many things that the Europeans did to India weather it was political, economic, or social the Europeans found ways to have those things benefit the British and very little or not at all to the Indian.
India is a great example about how they were too weak. India is probably in the best position for trade, due to its central location between Africa and Asia. India was a great area for trade.Before the West’s power overtook India, it was small not unified. In document 5 a person can be seen weaving on their own. This is before they were introduced to industrial textile production. The British wanted to take control of India and combine with them to become bigger and stronger. Britain saw India as a market and is a source of raw materials they built roads and impressive railroads to transport factory made goods across the subcontinent. These roads and railroads are used to carry materials such as coal and cotton to coastal ports to transfer the factories in England. This description of India can relate to Document 6, in this document a railroad is seen being built under British control. Railroads are an example of modernization taking over this country.
The British took over and surrounded over one quarter of the world’s population. India was one of those country that was taken over and it was considered the “Jewel in the Crown”. At first India and Britain were connected by the British East India Company for trading. Once India started getting weak and falling apart, Britain took advantage of this and took complete political, economic, and social control. Britain’s administration for India was useful, creating transportation all over the country, and sending Indians for better education.
This lead to the British using the army in wrong ways and the government being mostly white foreigners. The British made the Indian army and military academies to train officers. (According to Dr.Lalvani) However the British ended up using the Indian army against the Indians for example the Amritsar massacre. (Gandhi). The British created a superbly efficient administration over 500 million diverse people. (According to Dr.Lalvani) On the other hand as good as this may be the British government over India consisted of 960 officers, 900 of which were Englishmen. (Document 2). Because of this the Indians felt as if they had no responsibility over their own
British Imperialism negatively affect on Indian Politics. Due to the government being beyond the control of native Indians and the fallout of religious groups fighting after independence made the political climate a toxic one. Though the British administration was “superbly efficient” (¶#6, Lavani), that administration was made of 960 offices. 900 offices were held by english men whilst the remaining 60 were held by Indian politicians (Document 2). Natives in government positions were outnumbered 15 to 1, an insane statistic that left Indians politically powerless.
They were forced to improve India, work on fields and be starved, face impoverishment, and they were still deliberately kept out of social institutions by British officials on their land (doc
This was a negative effect for the native people because there was a lot of poverty and the British decided to take over land that was in use already. Many people wouldn't have anywhere to live but still ended up getting kicked out of their own place. Some people would argue the effects of imperialism in Africa and Asia were positive economically.
The British possessed most of the economic and political power and established restrictions, which the Indians were not allowed to go against. However, India received several benefits from Britain’s rule, mainly in economy and education. The British rule in India assisted India in developing its capital for the future, as an independent country. Britain discovered several raw materials, which could easily be produced in India, which meant more wealth.
Let's start with India. India during this age had a lot to offer Britain. India was filled with raw materials that Britain wanted. They started the British East India Company in order to take over. They continuously grew in power and started to influence
Imperialism had several diverse impacts on Asia, Africa, and Europe. The pros about imperialism, was that new roads and railroads that were built connected many parts of India. The introduction of the telegraph and postal systems united many people. Discovering new agricultural methods improved farming in the west and in Africa and Asia. Schools that were built by the British educated many people. Human rights were recognized, by ending customs that threatened many humans.
In 1885, nationalist leaders organized the Indian National Congress who called for greater democracy which they felt would bring more power to themselves. Other Indian nationalists, took a more radical, anti-British stand. I believe this is positive because I feel that the first instance of British resistance was the first step towards independence. Negative effects of the imperialistic rule in India were that there was a rapid population growth , hence, there was a strain on the food supply, especially since farmland was turned into cash crops instead of food. They cleared new farmlands which led to massive deforestation and other environmental destruction. Also, in the late 1800s terrible famines swept India. The railroads could not carry food to the suffering areas, but overall, millions of Indian peasants sank deeply into poverty.
This period was one of major change in Indian life and culture. While the East
“Englishmen.. have given the people of India the greatest human blessing - peace.” (Dutt). Merely coming to India in the 1600s to trade, the British East India Company established trading outposts. After ridding of French influence in India during the Seven Years’ War and having Indians mutiny against British rule, Britain gained full control of India. India has been under the imperialist control of the British until their independence in 1947. British imperialism caused some negative effects on India through poverty and persecution, but retained more of a positive impact due to its massive improvements in the modernization of India and the overall improvement of Indian civilization.
Lalvani states that Britain brought the english language to India. Britain spread it to people who had 700 different languages (Lalvani). This spread allowed the people to use English to communicate with each other, before this spread of language an Indian from the west could not communicate with an Indian from the east because they would not have a common language. Lalvani also states that the British enacted social reforms helping some parts of India with old tradition that was not right. The British came to India and ended highway robbery, ended widow suicide, and ended female infanticide (Doc 18). The highway robbery was something that would happen when you traveled, it was while you were traveling that you would be jumped and beaten or killed while they stole all your valuables and it was stopped. Widow suicide was when a womans husband died she was expected to jump on the fire that was cremating him and die with him and this was also stopped by the British. Female infanticide was also ended by the british. Female infanticide was the act of killing a infant that was female because it was a curse to have a female child. The British ended this by telling them that it is wrong to kill and infant no matter the gender putting a stop to female infanticide. Unintentionally doing good things for the social impact in