
British Imperialism Dbq Questions And Answers

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The British East India Company took over India because of all the resources that they had. when the company made the Indians join a military they rebelled and started firing back at the British and then the company “called” the British government and they came with big guns to take control and regain India for themselves.British imperialism has a negative impact on the politics of india because of the British courts and the government wasn't far toward the indians. British imperialism had a negative impact on the economy of India because the British did not help the environment and they made railroads to take away from the land. British imperialism had a positive impact on the economy of India because the British eliminated highway robberies, …show more content…

Lalvani claims the British "established the framework for India's justice system",in fact they did give them a justice system but it was unfair to indians. Indians were punish way more harsh for the same crimes that the british were doing (doc 4). British imperialism had a negative impact on the economy of India because the British did not help the environment and they made railroads to take away from the land. Cash crops made the land of India worse by poverty and the heat of the …show more content…

The mining industry also didn't help because it was taking 16 million tons of coal a year from the Indians (16). While the Indians lost their resources the English made off with a lot of money and India's resources.British imperialism had a positive impact on the economy of India because the British eliminated highway robberies, widow suicides and female infanticide. The British also brought English to Indians. Highway robbery was an extremely big problem in India causing people not to use the highways also widow suicide is when the husband dies the window will commit suicide along with the husband because women were seen as a useful and then the infanticide of female babies was when the parents would kill their female babies because they did not want to give the person who was to marry her any money(18). This was significant because the British civilized the barbariceness of the robberies,killings and suicides. Usually Imperium is seen as a bad thing with it being social and changing the culture of the place, but what the British did was making india a safer more civilized place. The British also brought English to

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