
Brianna's Story Essay: The Sport Of Dance

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The spring chilliness of the air arose in the wind, creating coldness in Brianna’s spine. The buds on the trees were late as ever and was not absolved from their responsibility to sprout from their long break throughout the slow days of winter. The clouds in the sky were mostly grey, but the spirit of the sun was not dead, for it was shining its bright yellow color full of heat. Brianna was holding her bag in her hand for dance, which was her favorite sport most of all. It was the sport with her most talent in, it was the sport that was the most enjoyable out of all, and it was the sport she wanted to carry out maybe as life goes on. Her love and passion has always driven her to continue with the sport of dance and that was the most cherishing reason for her to continue competing and being involved in the sport and pastime. As Brianna’s mom called out that it was about time to go to the dance studio for dance practice, Brianna had quickly hopped in the car and with her mother joining her, they both started away to the dance studio, which was the place Brianna could get her mind off things including the stress of homework from school, or other things that kept racing on her mind. The only thing that would not vanish from Brianna’s mind was …show more content…

Brianna was very pleased with her accomplishment. The award announcements were still not over, and Brianna still was waiting on the top ten results for the intermediate teen solo category. Shortly, the announcements indicated verbally that she won eighth place overall in her category and that she obtained a higher score than the dancer who won tenth place and the dancer who won ninth place, which was Hannah Clark. Brianna had won eight tenths of a point higher than Hannah, and was a good sport in congratulating her in how wonderful she was on the dance floor. Brianna and her teammates all began congratulated each other after the competition, and were all satisfied of their own

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