The spring chilliness of the air arose in the wind, creating coldness in Brianna’s spine. The buds on the trees were late as ever and was not absolved from their responsibility to sprout from their long break throughout the slow days of winter. The clouds in the sky were mostly grey, but the spirit of the sun was not dead, for it was shining its bright yellow color full of heat. Brianna was holding her bag in her hand for dance, which was her favorite sport most of all. It was the sport with her most talent in, it was the sport that was the most enjoyable out of all, and it was the sport she wanted to carry out maybe as life goes on. Her love and passion has always driven her to continue with the sport of dance and that was the most cherishing reason for her to continue competing and being involved in the sport and pastime. As Brianna’s mom called out that it was about time to go to the dance studio for dance practice, Brianna had quickly hopped in the car and with her mother joining her, they both started away to the dance studio, which was the place Brianna could get her mind off things including the stress of homework from school, or other things that kept racing on her mind. The only thing that would not vanish from Brianna’s mind was …show more content…
Brianna was very pleased with her accomplishment. The award announcements were still not over, and Brianna still was waiting on the top ten results for the intermediate teen solo category. Shortly, the announcements indicated verbally that she won eighth place overall in her category and that she obtained a higher score than the dancer who won tenth place and the dancer who won ninth place, which was Hannah Clark. Brianna had won eight tenths of a point higher than Hannah, and was a good sport in congratulating her in how wonderful she was on the dance floor. Brianna and her teammates all began congratulated each other after the competition, and were all satisfied of their own
She breaks all the images of American standard of beauty such as being physically pretty. She
powers animated the human body, the body could serve as a kind of lever to bring about
Casey Brown has always wanted to be a dancer. When she was little, she took dance classes once a week every Tuesday. Casey loved it and rocked the stage every year at the dance recitals at the Williamstown High School. As she got older, she took a break from dance but came back after a few short years. She took a modern class and her teacher would always tell her to take a ballet class. So the next year, Casey signed up for ballet. Right away her teacher noticed that something about her.
Jaspreana Tobias, a young girl born in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Louisiana, was a child who had grew up around music and rhythm and soul. Born to a family where the last person who was not from New Orleans was born two generations ahead of her, one could assume the rhythm was in her blood. Since she was little and could feel the music, the young Louisianan danced and did so with passion. Though her family loves music and all its counterparts, Jaspreana is the only dancer in the Tobias family tree. In high school, Jaspreana, a determined dancer, tried out for her school’s dance team. Unfortunately she did not make the cut. As any young woman would be, she was disappointed in herself; heart-broken actually. In her mind, she had a great chance at making the team, due to her skillful footwork and elegant grace as a dancer. In her own words, the result of her not making the team was “devastating” as it shook her confidence to the core. On that day, Jaspreana swore she would never try out for another dance team ever again. After months and months of sulking and great disappointment, her love and passion for the art of dancing returned. Not only had it returned, it returned with a new fire which burned deep in her soul. Dancing was her passion and being a professional dancer had been her dream since she could ever even two step to the sound of a simple beat. Jaspreana practiced and practiced. She would dance and think about dancing from the break of dawn until dusk. Finally
b) Some people think dance involves less endurance than sports like cross-country running. However, these runners exert forces in only one direction but, as Dr. McNitt-Gray said, in dance, your hands, legs, and head are exerting forces in different directions all at the same time.
In Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice, set in the Regency Period, dance performs several important functions. Dance patterns emulate courtship rituals, marking dance as a microcosm for courtship and marriage - two main themes of the novel. The Regency period propagated the belief that no ingredient was more essential to a courtship than dancing: "To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love..." (Austen 7). Therefore, knowledge of dance - dance steps as well as dance etiquette - was a crucial necessity and was often acquired through study and awareness of conduct codes. These crucial codes were disseminated through popular courtesy/conduct books, which
Exposition: In Recognition of a Dancer, the exposition is when I tell the audience that I was a dancer at Dance Mania, I described the costume and my excitement towards the recital, and the moment of when I broke my arm. The exposition consists of these moments because I am creating the foundation of the narrative. Transition: Even though the transition is not a necessary element in this narrative, I decided to use the moment of going to the recital with my parents up until intermission. These moments are appropriate because they are the segway to the rising actions.
Dance is a unique sport because it combines the grit and sweat of sporting events, such as track and field, with the style and extravagance of a fashion show (D.Fowler, 2000).
"You become a vampire. But you will turn into a zombie if you don't feed."
In Our Dancing Daughters, we are offered the cultural perspective of a prosperous America. This intermediate period between WWI and WWI invokes a large amount of change in a short amount of time, the likes of which has never been seen. The 1920’s America reaps the economic benefits from recently being in a war, and the youth of the nation act freely in this momentous time of peace and prosperity. In the film, Diana, a young lady, receives ample support and love from her mother and father. However, she does not initially receive love from the opposite sex, and everything that comes with it.
It has been observed by a pensive and inquisitive mind that most people in this world view their surroundings as though they were merely glancing at the cover of a glossy magazine while hurriedly exiting a supermarket: people tend to look quickly, figure out the general concept of the magazine issue, and then proceed to neatly tuck away the memory of that magazine cover in their mind as they trot on down the check out isle. They never pick up the journal, never thoroughly read the articles contained within that shiny bit of paper, never really understand what is going on inside of it.
I attended DancePlus show On Friday December 2, 2011 at 7:30pm at night. It was performed in the Victoria K. Mastrobounno Theater in New Brunswick, New Jersey. There were four different parts that I saw that day. All of the dances were very interesting and very different from each other. All of the dances had its own unique key factor that separated it from each other. I enjoyed the entire show very well. Out of all the dances I had strong reaction to “Lapa’s Lament”. I believe this specific dance stood out to me compared to the other dances from the show. This show had many different factors that stood out from other shows in the entire performance.
I started ballet when I was 5 years old. At first I did not want to join ballet. But my mom forced me to join. When I tried out, I was really enjoying the class. But I did not want to show that I did enjoy it.
A series of set of movements to music, either alone or with a partner. That is the definition of dancing. Dancing is a way to express one's feeling and to get active.
I was seven years old when these unexpected events occurred. It was supposed to be a good and worry-free day. It was the day of my dance performance. We had practiced all day the night of our last class, and we were ready. Our dance teacher had told us that our performance would be at around three and that we would get more information when we arrived there.