
Bread Givers And The Adventures Of Huckleberry

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Throughout a typical story or novel, a character often changes themselves after an adventure or conflict. They may change themselves through a variety of ways, like changing their own beliefs, or changing their financial or social status. This can be applied in two popular classics, “Bread Givers” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry”. Throughout the story, the protagonists managed to reform themselves after a course of events, even though they did keep some aspects of themselves. For Sara, enforcing her own beliefs over her father’s orthodox tradition allowed her to educate herself and be financially independent. Meanwhile, Huck managed to reinvent himself by developing a conscience. In both books, the main characters managed to reinvent …show more content…

Now that there is an established definition within context, parts of “Bread Giver’s” will be pointed out to display how Sara Smolinsky’s actions show her reinventing herself. In “Bread Giver’s”, Sara Smolinsky transitioned from being financially dependent and bound to her father, to a person who was able to make vital decisions without heavy external influences, like her father’s cultural values. In the beginning, Sara was not able to make her own choices. A good example of this is when Sara trusts a customer to pay her back later, but the father frowns on Sara trusting a customer to pay back two cents. He implies her dependence to him by stating “Without asking me? I’m the one to decide who is to be trusted” (Yezierska 134). The quote emphasizes the Father’s authority over Sara, as well as her dependence on him. To further explain, when he says the phrase: “I’m the one to decide ...” he clearly states that it was him that makes any choices in the store, rather than Sara. A smaller, but significant example of Sara being financially dependent on her father is when her father doesn’t give Sara her earned-money for herself. Sara states “And yet, when I’d bring home the wages to Father, he’d never let me have money to buy something I needed” (Yezierska 89). The significance of this quote can be found after a couple of paragraphs after, where the father refuses to buy a coat for her daughter, even though the weather was freezing cold.

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