
Breach Of Privacy

Decent Essays

Privacy; the state of being free from being observed or being disturbed. Things such as credit card companies, ads on television, warnings on the evening news, and even locker searches at school all directly contradict the definition of “privacy”.
So in order to clear up the confusion, today i’ll be explaining to you your right to privacy.
Repetition, claims, bandwagon, association and promotions. These are the 5 most popular/effective advertising techniques out there, very effective, for a very good reason. You see, business owners will stop at nothing to make sure you view their products in any way, shape, or form. By any means necessary these guys are not afraid to show you their product. Even if that means belligerently shoving ads in your …show more content…

Most people can’t go a single productive day without seeing an (Enter bank name here) message show up in their inboxes, now it’s become so prevalent seeing these messages that they aren’t even considered “Spam Mail” anymore. It’s just sent directly to your inbox along with a ton of other important emails that it should not be mixed with, which in fact, is a complete breach of our privacy.
Now addressing the complete disrespect and breach of privacy when it comes to school lockers. Lockers aren’t ever really safe, it’s true. If wanted/required a security guard can easily unlock your locker at any point in time during a school day. And you might be thinking: “Okay? So what, they’re just kids” well newsflash, kids have rights too. K-12, the upper echelons of the education system sometimes out right accuse these poor students of harboring drugs and other unlawful paraphernalia within their lockers, and takes upon themselves to undergo what they call “a locker search”, or in other words. “Breach of privacy example number 3”.
As this article concludes you may ask the question: what’s the solution to this seemingly everlasting issue? And the solution’’s a bit dissapointing, dissapointing because in retrospect, there is no solution. As long as there are selfish, money crazed, organizations out there, we’ll never have the true privacy our rights give

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