
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

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Many people would argue that today’s society has loose morals and people are promiscuous. In the novel Brave New World, that is not a problem because everyone belongs to everyone else. People are expected to be in many relationships with whomever they like. In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, he includes the aspect that everyone belongs to everyone else. I believe he includes that due to the fact that it is very common to have sexual intercourse with anyone nowadays without the benefit of marriage. According to the novel, marriage is immoral and when a when a character named John mentions the idea of marriage to a fellow character named Helmholtz, he laughs uncontrollably. “…when Juliet said this, Helmholtz broke out in an explosion of uncontrollable guffawing” (Brave New World, Chapter Twelve) Huxley intended to add meaningless encounters in the novel and that everyone should be pneumatic because it reflects how the generation is acting towards each other. People may have not realize what they are doing but he may have thought that if he includes it in his novel, then people might reflect it among themselves. Huxley intentionally added sexual intercourse in the novel due to the fact that it is easy to get in this generation. I believe he is showing a message that engaging with others is not difficult to achieve. Although, in my opinion, Huxley is also trying to make his readers realize that having sexual intercourse should be sacred and only be shared with the

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