
Predetermination Of Technology

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Technology today is more relied upon than ever before. If one needs to call someone half way around the world, simply take out a cell phone and dial their number. Within thirty seconds, one can be speaking to that person just as if two people were conversing face-to-face. In the same manner, one has access to endless knowledge and resources by the pushing of a few buttons or the click of a mouse. The usage of social media today is becoming more prevalent than ever before because of the convenience it offers. This convenience includes being able to instantly know where a person is, what they are doing, and how they are feeling. All of these instances have one main commonality : technology. The interminable technological advances one has …show more content…

As a result, the artificial offspring are bred a certain way and even look a certain way depending on their social rank. This same effect could be experienced today if one becomes too reliant on technology. It is extremely unethical for the government to be predetermining what career a person will have and how smart that person will be. In one’s world, they can already see this predetermination of career and social standing in certain countries. These countries, such as China, Cuba, and North Korea, have Communist governments. The lives of those living in these Communist countries are strictly regulated. Career and social ranking is determined by how well one does in school. These sovereign governments also rule with an extremely strict and sometimes brutal policy. By ruling in such a harsh manner, these governments strike fear into the hearts of their people. Protesters like those in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre in China have been killed for opposing the government. For these reasons, the American Democratic government would have to be eliminated in order to reach the stage that Huxley’s society is at. Many of the morals that Americans believe in would have to be compromised in order to reach the point portrayed in the book or even the point of Communism in one’s world. If one reached that point, they would be living

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