
Brain Cancer-Personal Narrative Analysis

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I woke up to the sound of sirens, getting louder and louder each second. A state of panic filled my neighborhood. My heart dropped to my stomach as I watched my neighbor get strapped onto a stretcher and rushed out of the neighborhood to the nearest hospital. As I sat there, holding my neighbor’s two young boys in my arms, I realized that those sirens had awakened me and opened my eyes to a world that a child could not understand. In this single moment, I was maturing and preparing myself for adult-like responsibilities.
Brain cancer. Two words that have had the biggest impact on my life. My neighbor passed away from brain cancer shortly after that incident, taking a toll on everyone who had the privilege to meet him. His two little boys, who were at the time four and six, lost a father. I quickly took on the role of becoming their role model, often without even realizing it. I began to retrieve them from the bus stop, teach them to play sports, prepare their dinner, help them with homework, tuck them into bed, and share stories about their dad with them. …show more content…

At that point, I made a mental promise to myself and to the boys. I will never leave their side, no matter the distance or circumstances. I felt like I had found something in common with them, which inspired me to always let them know that they are not alone. These boys, and the rest of their family, have become my family. They teach me lessons and help me learn and act more like an adult. They give me strength and courage when I need it most, especially as I begin college, a major step into adulthood. When I am faced with obstacles that seem impossible to overcome, I do not panic and I work hard to get through them, because I want them to see me be strong and succeed. Not only have I helped them become little men, but they have made me into the person I want to be and helped me mature faster than most children my

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