
Brain And Memory Psychological Analysis: Inside Out

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Brain and Memory Psychological Analysis The movie Inside Out uses the art of cartoons to portray how the brain works in correlation to memory and emotional brain development in children. They reference Riley's personality based on her past memories, and how each memory has made who Riley is today. A human being’s personality and daily actions are based on their past experiences and memories. These memories further construct their future actions to reflect on the actions and ideas they already know. These memories and ideas can be formulated from the environment around them. People usually become who they are by association with those close with them, such as parents, close friends, and teachers. Exhibited in the movie Inside Out, the character Riley shows how memories construct personality, and control emotions based on past experiences. …show more content…

According to Rathus (2010) the hippocampus is like the headquarters of the brain, telling which information should be stored where, and what emotions to feel based on circumstance. In the movie Inside Out, the little room in which joy, along with all the other emotions stay, is the hippocampus. The hippocampus then sends the memory to the cerebral cortex to be stored so it can then contribute to the aspects of the person's personality, and further express emotions based on the memory (Phelds 2014). For example, In the movie when Riley scored a winning goal for her team they were all happy and cheered, the memory of that occurring traveled through the axon, then once reaching the hippocampus, was labeled as a happy hockey memory, that would further be sent to the cerebral cortex, where it would remain in Riley's memory under the hockey section of her personality, on personality

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