
Boyd And Silk: A Comparative Analysis

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According to Boyd and Silk, “race means different things to different people” (388). But is race something we can base of physical traits, or is more complicated than just looks? By examining evidence from the American Anthropological Association and Boyd and Silk, we can see that race is more than skin color. “The common view of race is bad biology” (Boyd and Silk 2015: 388).
There are three propositions that North Americans understand race by. The first proposition states that, “the human species can be naturally divided into a small number of distinct races” (Boyd and Silk 2015: 388). With this proposition, many Americans believe there are only three races which we can be a part of: Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia (Boyd and Silk 2015: 388). The second proposition that Americans believe is, “members of different races are genetically different in important ways, so knowing a person’s race gives you important information …show more content…

Traits that determine our looks serve no purpose except the social ideas people make them (AAA 1998). Those from many areas of study today have determined that, “race” was invented as a “social mechanism” back in the 18th century. This mechanism was used to give certain “races” different characteristics. Europeans were powerful and those who were black or Indian were seen negatively (AAA 1998). In the 19th century, the social construct of race became so intense that scientists considered Africans, Indians, and Europeans different species. The idea of race started to spread throughout the rest of the world. The only purpose this served was to give different rankings to different people (AAA 1998). When this article was written in the 20th century, they started to understand that culture was something conditioned at birth and learned or changed as we age. We give meaning to our culture (AAA

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