
Boy Scouts Accomplishments

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One day, adult leaders from a local Boy Scouts troop came to my first grade class recruiting new Scouts. I remember the Scoutmaster mentioning how much fun and rewarding Scouting can be for a young man and they also talked about the highest rank in the organization, the Eagle. According to the Boy Scouts of America headquarters, only four percent of all registered youth who participates in Scouting earns the Eagle rank. It’s one of the most coveted achievement, a Scout can seek and the most difficult one to attain. As a young boy, I loved animals and my favorite one, the Eagle. I knew that day; I wanted to join Boy Scouts with hopes and dreams of becoming an Eagle Scout.

The motto of the Cub Scouts is “Do your Best” and I did. I worked my way through, from Cub Scouts to Webelos and finally to Boy Scouts, where, I worked through six of my ranks very swiftly to get started toward my Trail to Eagle. After my new Scout badge, I obtained my Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks. Therefore, I began work on my 21 merit badges that are pre-requisite toward the Eagle rank and furthermore, twelve-plus community service hours. After I acquired the required merit badges and finished my volunteering commitment, I received my next two badges, the Star and Life rank. …show more content…

I couldn’t believe through a lot of sweat and tears, I was one step away becoming an Eagle Scout. What stood between me and the Eagle Scout rank was the Eagle Scout Leadership Project. A project I needed to complete which demonstrated leadership of others and provided service to a deserving institution other than the Boy

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